
I don’t understand why every thread on every website has someone who wants to be a savior to these privileged fucks. They were dumb enough to pose for shots to fake they were in the rowing team.

The pre-packaged/frozen sandwiches/meals in the UK are so much better than their US counterparts for some reason. I loved the little Tesco/Lidl meals when I lived there.

I exclusively learnt English from tv shows, books and movies.

If anyone is wondering about the pic in the article, the language is Nepali and the it is a sign for a shop that sells “ready-made clothes, cosmetics, stuff for wedding rituals, ladies undergarments and jewelry”.

Holy fuck that was terrible. I’m judging you for admitting you laughed at that shit

Wow that pic makes Biden look like a total creep

Didn’t she pose for photos to fake her credentials? She definitely knew what was up. She is trying to shift the blame entirely now that she’s caught.

She wouldn’t be a influencer if she didn’t have her parents’ name recognition and wealth. And she knew what she was doing when she posed for those women’s crew photos. As someone who is barely older than her, I am not going to feel sorry for this spoiled brat.

Your life sounds miserable.

This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. This is like telling women in developed country to not complain because women in developing countries have it so much worse.

Idk about that. Those layers of makeup make her look like she’s a 55 year old trying to look like a teen. 

Thank you, that makes sense. I hope everything works out for you.

I am so sorry but what is Cobra?

The thing is that all these EU countries (at least the ones that have clout) were mostly on the same side of Imperialism as Britain.

Pretty sure Peaky Blinders wasn’t actually produced by Netflix? Netflix just labels anything exclusive in a country as an Original.

What’s AARP?

Idk why I find Islamberg so hilarious

Oh I have heard plenty of disparaging remarks from people of all races in the US about not being a Christian (Doesn’t seem to matter that I am not a Muslim, I guess my brown skin speaks for me). While left rhetoric seems to focus on Islamophobia from white people, Asians and Black people aren’t that behind in their

I don’t understand. I don’t see any falisity in her remarks. It’s not disparaging to talk about prevalence of Greek life in SDSU or USC being crazy expensive. 

How many electro-rodents do we need?