
what. the. hell?!!?

also included: a big F-U to early adopters, because they new damn well they were going to add this before they made the first one.

@jetRink: agreed, green washing at it's most ignorant.

I, for one, think it's awesome a 12 year old is in charge of these franchises.

looks a lot like the timelines version of alpha trion

@Fauxcused: I also love the G1 image reference of a crashed autobot ship with it's ass sticking out of the side of a mountain (or well, hill I guess for this one)

@Fauxcused: yep me too, not down with the hate parade that seems to always permeate the comments on this site but whatev, that's the internet for you.

we used to have these saturday nights just north of toronto at woodbine and 16th. We once had 600 cars.

what I think was missing was well, 7 more episodes to call it a full season.

man, that's not the nsfw I was hoping for. That's just barely nsfw.

they're spending it on WRXs and EVOs. No self-respecting car guy buys a civic as a performance car anymore, because turbos = win.

man... the first one was already pretty terrifying... dunno if I want scarier.

I love this car.. gawdIlovethiscar...

well, the thing with all this kinect does xxxxxx is that it's all software driven.

"It's like a living creature, dynamically growing as we speak."

@rolsenrob: "It's a simulator" is starting to be an excuse for this franchise's shortcomings, that's all.

in terms of gameplay design, customization and fun factor. Forza 3 has this thing beat. The only thing GT edges out is the graphics and level of detail in *some* of the cars, as well as the additional modes.

way to do it wrong, sony.

well atleast these guys are having a good time.