
@MichaelPalin: if you're just talking hardware sure... but they

@TheGallow: Hollywood? It's the German movie-investing tax-loophole

@razzbarry: meh, speeding ahead our inevitable extinction. People are sorta overrated so maybe it's for the best.

only problem with space is we don't get an HD version.

As a parent I say it's up to parents to do some parenting.

I'm ok with the price hike, though I always take advantage of membership sales.

@terry: given the original impreza was designed in 91 for 92 release, the styling held up pretty well given all they did was tweak the hood, lights and bumpers.

caprica was definately a slow boil, but without being a bonafide hit I'm sure it was just too expensive to produce.

gawd XIII was bad. Who said it was the best? whaddadummy... gadwhaddadummy.

cheese on rice... who needs such power? My old HD 4870 is still so enormously powerful it plays anything on ultra, at 2k res, silky smooth.

Halo was the first tech demo that I remember that was used to demonstrate that "Macs can game, too". All the early stuff was running on a Mac, and then MS bought em up.

@Matt Seegz: you're obviously missing the Orgazmo reference. That's ok, d_r_e caught it.

what the hell is a T-Rex?

this guy's hilarious, I'm subscribing to his newsletter.

@grysl: Agreed, this thing may not be long and devoid of extra "stuff", but it sure is fun and I find myself enjoying it immensely!

was any of that even in english? My brain is all tangled from this.

@hercules_100_98: same, humans from the distant future, I gots that too.

Have match, gasoline. Will Burn.

@wicked.nightingale: not that I'm complaining, just sayin that it's a fairly recognizable as a vancouver-shot show.