
that cover is so delicious 90s looking.

to be fair, GoW has always had that holiday season feel to it. spring is too nice a time to release a game like that.

story was a touch predictable, but visually this is as good as anything put out by professional animation houses. Amazing that this was done as an online collaboration of artists, using free software. And not in-studio using a fat production pipeline.

I appear to have gone cross-eyed.

the question now is thus- can I use said lasers and glass method to construct light-sucking camoflage? I imagine our friends the ninjas would find this quite handy. Quite handy, indeed.

you're right, microsoft has nothing right now. Except like, 90% of the PC OS marketshare, and how many million xbox users?

yeah the quick resolution thing is kind of annoying, but at least they gave Greer that sarcastic "Everyone's ok" line that made it appear they're somewhat self-aware of that.

I though that looked kinda odd...

hey now... this looks like it might be worth a bit o my time...

faster, now, need resolution!!

@BigHarv: and I'm with you and neener, fuck this guy.

As a former ram-ployee of sorts, knowing what sort of market share they have in Texas, this makes perfect sense.

Must be a fun job, sitting around, questioning physical reality.

you know, every time I see that scene, I always think "Damn, that's a dangerous way to throw down a gun, hammer back and everything. It would've shot Dick in his Dick."

this is why you don't fuck around and hold back too much. People lose interest and you don't get a chance to tell much of the big, over-arching story.

I never regret keeping a set of 3D glasses at my desk.

ya, doesn't matter, degassing is degassing. Actually, what I find more odd are the newer tires that looked directional, but aren't. E.G. the Yokohama Parada Spec IIs I have on my impreza, since directionality of the tread pattern is usually pretty important for evacuating water.

speaking as someone that has had to develop ad collateral for the ipad, this business of making something that works in both portrait and landscape is a prime PITA.

@micah1_8: monster of the week is fine if it plays into the larger, serialized plot. But shows that have a larger story arc that require you to follow along are simply more interesting. At least nowadays.