
@MushyHeirloom: speaking as someone who was t-boned by a middle aged korean woman in a silver 6th gen accord running a red light, I would have to agree with you on your assessment.

@Elhigh: agreed, a 4-foot cable must certainly be cheaper than a remote electronically controlled servo.

apple are such dicks.

It's so bizarre.

"I actually will make a version of this film that properly integrates a game and a movie, which has never been done to my knowledge."

"The game allowed players to knee enemies in the nards and then punch them into space."

can't blame them for trying. We had one at the microplay I worked at in the 90s.. I don't remember ever selling one. In fact, I don't remember playing much more than a little bit of tennis. But it was ahead of it's time. Take a virtual boy and shove some proper full-color screens in each of those eye sockets and that

@vicariousrider: good choice, this is what I did with a 99 impreza outback sport.

I quite enjoyed that.

@AaronProtesilaus: ya agreed, the first game atleast made sense that everyone wore full suits when on planet missions.

meh, we'll see how it goes. The market will decide if it's a good idea.

yeah you don't need a ton of apps, you just need a bunch of good ones. Not all the crap that litters the app store.

I'm enjoying this snubnose piece of car-candy. Yes indeed.

@vicariousrider: A better platform would be an RS. Little bit newer, has disc brakes all around, and hey, already has the right hood should one want to do some swappage.

@Lewisham: agreed, it wasn't about men being emasculated. I chuckled at the original ad because I thought it was funny, because I see myself in a lot of it (the crack about watching your vampire shows). But most men do those things because we love our wives. We don't resent these things, we just want to cut loose

@cwang29: at best, they had the sileighties, with the s13 front end slapped on a 180sx body.

you need a lot of sales to fund 8 year development cycles.

Jones is right it all respects.

I like the line "Further penetration of the current generation"

I'm playing on an 8 foot screen, and am swimming in so much smug I had to mention it.