Mandatory Nintendo World Cup appreciation comment
Mandatory Nintendo World Cup appreciation comment
I have the disposable money, I've surely been into video games for longer than most of those posting on these forums have been alive, and I would not buy one of these.
In terms of modern aesthetics, it's not elegant—it's painfully boring. It looks like a set-top cable box at best, and the PS4 and Xbox One are works of…
For some reason, I imagine the list of things that don't make you laugh to be an exceptionally long one.
Boy, a lot of Ricky Gervais hate. Personally, I love the guy. Makes me laugh. A lot of people seem to not like an insult comic being insulting. Which is, you know, kind of crazy.
In my humble opinion, this is still the best soccer game ever made.
Except they skipped the Dual Analog controller for the PS1.
comparing COD games for graphical prowess is like comparing a steaming pile of moist human feces to a fresh turd with undigested corn; both versions are crap smearing on ur screen. I'll... walk away now...
AdBlock. I didnt even know there were ads on Kotaku.
The only problem I have with Nvidia, is you can usually buy a better Radeon card for less than you can buy the same quality of a GeForce card.
yeah, xbox only switched it to avoid copyright - not because it was a great idea.
I find it ironic that these people who are criticizing parents letting their kids play mature video games are the same one who will argue that there is no correlation between violent behavior and video games.
I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting. Maybe kids are just more able to distinguish between fantasy and reality over here in Europe.
Don't be a naughty eskimo-eoh-eoh!
I feel like this article barely warrants existence. What, exactly, could be learned here that couldn't be inferred from the title of the article? What's the game about? How large is the studio? Why are they so amateurish? DIVE INTO THIS MYSTERY, ASHCRAFT!
Interesting connection, since drugs like MDMA and LSD have the effect of expanding your consciousness, opening your "heart", while opiates seem to constrict it.
I bet they have prototypes of all these gadgets at their campus. It is probably so sweet to work there
Ahaa, that's the problem people are having, they put fingers on R2 and R1 at same time? According to this picture atleast... No wonder their hand cramps up!
You see, I'm a man. I have a penis and everything. When I game, I hold a controller and not think too much about it. I think about the game and translate what is going on, on screen, with my wishes from my brain to my hands.