
The word I want banned right now is Champagne. May it never be mentioned or drank EVER AGAIN.

"it's wild how many civilians are fatally shooting cops these days."

How could they skip Detroit?!

People who don't think it's weird are people who do it.

A bit off topic but I CANNOT STAND when grown ass adults call their parents "mommy" and "daddy". It makes my skin crawl.

Why not give the patrons an emergency number to the maze owner on the map?


Yes! Yours is the most insightful comment I've read to date on this:

As someone who got their first mammogram yesterday, I disagree. Now I have to worry more about dying. And it's sort of a bummer.

She ordered BOTH A CEASAR AND HOUSE SALAD!?!? That is the craziest shit I've ever heard. I'm surprised the restaurant didnt implode.

My 90 year old grandma heard me complaining to my sister about my now 30 year old boobs. She said, "I wish I had the tits I had at 30. Hell, I wish I had the tits I had at 60! And when I'm a hundred I'll probably wish I had the tits I had at 90."

It boggles my mind that the CDC is blaming the hospital on this. If you dipshits knew what to do, then why the hell wern't you there monitoring?

Life is short. She wanted to feel beautiful. She didnt feel beautiful. She could afford for someone to make her feel beautiful. Now she feels beautiful. The end.

Yes, certain things set my husband off and it's rarely predictable. The latest one was me forgetting I'd set clothes on the couch to be folded. I started doing something else and he came home, saw them, and had a panic attack. My heart breaks for those kids. =(

My husband grew up in a hoarder/squalor situation and he has scary horror stories from his childhood which completely break my heart. At elementary school age he was sleeping on piles of clothes because for a long while he had no bed, and the fleas got so bad that in the summer he'd have to put on winter clothes like

Yes, I am pro choice but I totally agree with you. A 28 week old baby is capable of survival outside the womb. If she had this baby and it was alive and she either a) waited for it to die or b) killed it, she needs to go to prison.

I don't mind the bitchiness, I find it somewhat empowering. What I do mind is the crying. It's hard to convince my husband, that the annoyance I'm displaying at whatever he is doing/not doing is completely justified and NOT a result of a hormonal imbalance, as tears stream down my face.

You're pretty proud if this "neck beard" analogy, huh? You keep using it.

Man, I was out of mental breath reading that. It's all one sentence!