
Dudes got a hole in his pants. Do they not get zippers?

Yep. I can't figure out who besides the most hardcore Google enthusiasts and pro-Linux/Anti-Apple&Microsoft fanatics (that have a soft spot for Google) are buying these. I know they're not selling in any relevant quantity but there must be some reason OEM's are still testing the waters with them. Why, when I can buy a


Very cool! Those Apple engineer/scientists are absolutely brilliant! When will we start seeing this "anodizing" on products not made by Apple, or do they have a patent on it? In any event, bravo Apple for inventing this new and innovative procedure and thank you Engineer Guy and Gizmodo for reveling this cool Apple

Whoa! AOL had squares and rectangles way back in 1996? Mind blown!

Investing is just another form of gambling. Since when are gamblers allowed to sue when they lose?

"Listen *we all know* this stock is going to to run up to over $100 this first day."

Not nearly as good as getting some shares at $31.

Well good luck in the market. It sounds like you've made a pretty safe first entry and hopefully it gets you some gains to build on. No risk, no reward.

What doesn't make sense is that at IPO the valuation on FB is already over $100 Billion. That's 1/2 what Google is worth today and says that a lot of the potential in Facebook is already baked into the IPO price. Google had $10 Billion in revenue last quarter, Facebook had $3.7Billion in revenue all of last year (<$1

10 shares isn't much of a gamble. Jump to the hundreds and thousands and then it gets risky for most regular folks.

LOL. Riiiiggght.

I was thinking the same. C-sections and induced labor.

Top row should be Good-Good-OK-Bad.

Well, technically there is no ARM version of Windows 8; there is Windows RT (v1?) for ARM and Windows 8 for x86/64/Win32API. And Win32 apps built for the Windows 8 OS (std desktop apps) won't work on Windows RT but the Metro apps are supposed to be cross-platform from what I've read. Windows RT is somewhat of a

We have a couple iCult members at work but most of the people that currently have iPads just got them because they wanted something in that form-factor and iPads are all that they know of. When we are deploying the Samsung tablets they are all getting the dock along with it. Then we just move their existing monitor,

Or so he says. ;)

You may want to retract this statement or you could be hearing from your HR department soon.

Wow! Does Apple troll the entire internet looking for the slightest bit of unsanctioned anything? Video has already been removed and I'm sure the employee has received a call from his manager and perhaps HR.

We have been testing Win8 CP on Samsung tablets at my work and so far it's a huge hit with everyone that has seen it. We have employees lining up asking to be put on the list of people to get these as we roll more out for testing. Even execs are asking to make the switch (we have a VP using it as their only pc and the