All I can say is I’m happy she’s just doing whatever the hell she wants. Whether it’s good, bad, a cry for help, whatever people are’s not for me to decide. The girl is living, so let her live.
All I can say is I’m happy she’s just doing whatever the hell she wants. Whether it’s good, bad, a cry for help, whatever people are’s not for me to decide. The girl is living, so let her live.
Your first sentence was exactly what I was going to write, word for word. I thought I may have blacked out and forgot whether or not I already wrote it, but then I saw “vapid gelatinous head” and remembered I’m not that creative.
Welp... turns out he’s dead, now. Wish granted!
They’ve pushed this game too far into e-sports territory that it’s just not gonna work as 5v5. If the PvE isn’t spectacular, I can see a huge player dropoff happening REAL quick after it launches, which is too bad.
The fact that I can’t stand the guy is good enough for me to believe he’d actually make for a good JC. Also, have Linden Ashby be his agent!
Every bottle I buy has a dang hole in it!
Ladies and gentlemen... Two people on the internet just acted like adults. There’s hope in the world!
...reaching 70,000 fans of diverse backgrounds...
I did that to the word because I read your comment as an implication that this was a hoax and that you believed most are just hoaxes and not an actual crime.
I mean, when you keep going to the same well over and over, the water’s either gonna start tasting bad or dry up...
Do you enjoy defending racists? Seems like you do? Maybe just sit this one out.
This generally happens to me when I wash bedding/blankets. No matter how evenly I place them in the washer, they somehow tend to either unravel or ball up, and cause uneven weight distribution. It gets loud enough that I can hear it from the first floor (washer and dryer are in the basement). Fortunately, it doesn’t…
I don’t particularly LIKE what he says to some poeple, but, let’s be honest, he’s doing the Simon Cowell thing by being brutally honest to some people who really would benefit more from that in their lives.
If you’re worried about the ‘hoaxes’, you’re just saying the silent part out loud.
Have you heard of NFTs? No? Well, boy, do I got an opportunity for you!
There are no shots of feet.
People that commit these crimes need to be tried on the same level that a terrorist would be tried.
They can open all the car-making factories they want, but there’s not enough infrastructure to support the product. Regardless of the fact that only a tiny percentage of everyday Americans use a ‘full tank’ in a single day, range anxiety (and pricing) is still the main factor keeping people from even considering an EV.
Go, go Power Rangers!