
If you’re a 53 year old, uber wealthy, international celebrity, with a history of slapping people in public, you don’t get to hide behind “I’m a work in progress.”

If this wasn’t at The oscars and instead at some comedy club, the exchange would’ve gone more like this:

Comedian makes pre-written joke. Man laughs at joke. Cheating wife takes offense. Man slaps comedian. Man receives award for playing make believe.

Take your star and enjoy your weekend!

Hidden benefit of the wolves: They seek out invisible enemies!

The mic hit the ground SO hard that I’m still not sure if the earth shook or I REALLY have to go to the bathroom.

Is there a mod that turns every boss into Cruz, MTG, Graham and Boebert? Or all the opinionators on Faux News? Man, THAT would be a worthy experience for sure.

Those bears are TANKS! They’re not even that hard to really fight, but their hp/defense stats are too damn high.

The man* couldn’t even stand up to the grifting conman that made fun of his wife and father. What business does he even have to question a woman like her with more integrity in her pinky than he’s ever displayed in office?

Dear Chariot,

it can help drive down prices which would help those essential workers who have no choice but to commute every day

Nice! I’ve been in the office two days a week, every other week, since September, which has been totally ok. First week of April, we’re moving to two days every week and that’s STILL totally fine. My truck isn’t the most fuel efficient, but it takes regular, so I really can’t complain.

All companies should go back to a remote work schedule - full time or hybrid - until gas prices go back to normal. The last two years have shown it works where it’s feasible and it can help drive down prices which would help those essential workers who have no choice but to commute every day.

Can’t wait for the ACTUAL final character for GG: Cuckold Carlson.

I can’t condone violence against any animal in a funny hat, but the header image to this article has had me laughing for a minute straight!

Agreed. Going ‘open world’ made it more appealing to a broader audience. How this will affect future games? Who knows. I doubt we’ll see anything new from them for another 4 years or so. Pretty sure they have a roadmap of content planned for this game and I’m really looking forward to it!

It may seem odd that they would put out a patch this big compared to the more targeted ‘tweaking’ they did in previous Souls games, but one can argue this game is meant to attract a wider audience, so it requires much more balancing like this patch addresses. It was fun watching people go wild with builds, it’ll still

True, but if it automatically goes away when a player walks outside of the region, it should work the same once the player crosses a fog wall.

The one fix I don’t see is if you unsuccessfully summon a co-op player and head into a boss fight alone, you’re unable to use spirit ashes.

I had an easier time with General Radahn than I did with the damn dogs.