
I actually really like this. I think it is awesome that they say there is nothing wrong with buying tampons and the person selling them does not care and isn't judging you - we should tell this to more men. Also they talk about the hymen and actually explain what it is which is great since even nowadays I have heard

Are we supposed to tip valets?

I'm actually kidding:) My cats are fed a regular diet of fancy, meaty cat food and if we can't find the gray one we just say chicken-chicken-chicken in a high pitched voice and she materializes. Of course then I have to find and give her some chicken.

You can't feed cats on a vegan diet because they are obligate carnivores, i.e. they literally need to eat animal products in order to survive.


The difference is that cats are obligate carnivores, and people aren't. People are even less obligate carnivores than dogs, and dogs are pretty omnivorous. We're are more like pigs in being pretty adaptable omnivores. I'd guess that you could feed a toddler a vegan diet as long as you properly monitored it and

Love that each one comes with a liquor pairing. Priorities!

To me, that sounds like the exact reason you should wear red.

At least your stripey shirts are in a variety of colors! I have the same addiction, but I can't get away from black, white, grey, and navy.

What's your repeat purchase?

I call dibs in writing the next book in your series, "SAUTE THAT FUCKER!" which boils down to olive oil, medium-high heat, and whatever spices ya want. I don't think we'll ever have to truly understand vegetables.

LOL ok I'll do that.

You're so reasonable and lovely and I bet you're pretty, too.

First of all, fuck that guy, he was trying to take advantage of you. Trust me, I'm going to be honest with you, what you're going through, I promise you it is normal, what you are going through is valid. Sometimes, like grief, the effects of a traumatic experience don't hit you until much later. Some people (and even

I see your allegation and raise you a purple cauliflower. Your move.

That's a lot messier than most people have the stomach for though. Not that I think Obama would make GWB's mistakes and do everything too quickly and with too little regard for the locals, but inevitably all the wrong questions will be asked for the right reasons and it will just be another American cluster.

"The very, very, VERY first time a man does something like this to you, you need to leave. When will women understand this?"

If you'd ever been in an abusive relationship, you would understand why it's so much more complicated than "Just leave."

I've been praying non-stop for a sign from God if I myself am making a good choice on leaving my abusive boyfriend, at this very moment I'm packing my things hoping for a safe get away while he is at work, I am more scared then I've ever been, scared because I know he will come after me but also scared because I feel

Not a rash. A few, very few, and very far apart. Maybe roughly one or two a year in all of North America, if that, and only over the last few years.