
Your misspelling of the word “aggravate “ undermined whatever else you were trying to say. I’m sure Deadspin will miss you.

So, yes. You like being annoying and are willing to put in considerable effort at it. Understood.

By assuming you were referring to the rights that the governor was referring to rather than nitpicking the original poster’s verbiage, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you were at least trying to make a point that anyone would care to discuss, rather than the inanity that you were actually putting forth.

The governor of North Carolina said that he needs to protect the rights of the police officers by not allowing body cameras. You state that the specific devices need not be listed in order for the Constitution to apply to their use. Ergo, in this situation, that would referring to the “Constitutional rights” that the

So then what Constituional right are you saying is being violated?

She didn’t just tell a story about him. She made up a narrative portraying him as a dehumanizing sexist who didn’t pay attention to her because she wasn’t attractive enough. For what? The crime of sitting next to her and not hitting on her? You are right, it’s a non-story. But it’s a non-story of her creation and it’s

The defender was juked for sure, but it looks like he was supposed to shade towards sideline coverage since he had help in the middle (as evidenced by the second Cardinal coming into the picture at the end of the GIF) so he would naturally keep himself selling out to the outside.

Yeah. This guy and people like him need to be prosecuted. He went out and picked a fight (confronted a car of people not on his property blocking their path with his body and his gun). And then he expects to be bailed out with a claim of self defense when things didn't go his way and he decided to use his gun on the

Samesies with me and my 800 on SAT verbal. That sentence blows.

I went to Florida around the time we had both of them. Wish it translated to the court, for White anyways. Incredible in game dunker though.

I see. Still not funny to me, but if that was the reasoning, it for sure makes more sense. I must be too old for the “outraged comment section” brand of humor.

Agreed, as evidenced by the fact that I said “these people are stupid for getting so upset.”

It’s related in that if it were funnier, it might be more easily recognizable as a joke (rather than a typo) to begin with.

These people are stupid for getting so upset but have you considered the possibility that your joke just wasn’t that funny?

The lyrics suggest his predilection for shooting semen into girl’s eyes. If she's his wife and presumably has been getting said treatment for years, she'd be blind by now.

They were 9 and 5 anyways so I don’t know where they got these numbers.

Yeah, I went to Florida from 1998-2006. That one must have slipped my mind. But it's not the kind of thing people would pay attention to in Gainesville anyways.

Makers 46

However much he weighs, that guy is fast as shit.

I live in Memphis and there is a suburb called “Whitehaven.” I shit you not. Of course, I think it’s reverse-gentrified or whatever someone might call that.