I'm here from Jalopnik to add "Car" to your list.
I'm here from Jalopnik to add "Car" to your list.
Can I just put this here...
Colin McRae Subaru Legacy Diecast Rally Car - $29.95
Hell, you know what else should be illegal? Cars. Just all of them. Every vehicle on the road is a danger to other vehicles.
"Maybe its just my general hate of almost all SUVs."
They even got the nose mounted mirrors!!!!!!
they would be the best 10 miles ever....
As a successful engineer in his mid 20's with a new WRX, I say this. Thanks for your generalization! Come again soon.
I love that this is happening outside a Colon Clinic. Perfect for these two assholes.
Mercedes S-Class failed first (also not turned on)
It's like seeing the face of God!
Y'all have heard, and have now seen, that we can repub posts from your personal Kinja sites to the front page of Jalo…
Ha! The Final Countdown (no, not Asia's)... I remember watching this as a youth.