
I'm here from Jalopnik to add "Car" to your list.

Can I just put this here...

Colin McRae Subaru Legacy Diecast Rally Car - $29.95

Hell, you know what else should be illegal? Cars. Just all of them. Every vehicle on the road is a danger to other vehicles.

"Maybe its just my general hate of almost all SUVs."

They even got the nose mounted mirrors!!!!!!

they would be the best 10 miles ever....

As a successful engineer in his mid 20's with a new WRX, I say this. Thanks for your generalization! Come again soon.

I love that this is happening outside a Colon Clinic. Perfect for these two assholes.

Now playing

Mercedes S-Class failed first (also not turned on)

It's like seeing the face of God!

Ha! The Final Countdown (no, not Asia's)... I remember watching this as a youth.