Fuck you Deathwing, you’ve ruined another game!
Fuck you Deathwing, you’ve ruined another game!
All right, finally it’s getting going. This time for sure, you’re going down, Destiny!
When I hear people are who are “anti-PC”, basically all they’re saying is that “I should be able to say the most vile and grosses things possible, and I should not be called out on it!” News flash people, you absolutely have a right to say nasty things, just like others are allowed to call you a PoS for saying it!…
Can we just not give this guy the attention he apparently so badly craves?
It’s an extension of shrouding cruelty, toxic chauvinism and heartlessness as “jokes”, “satire” or “irony” (despite the fact jokes that punch down only seem to land for sociopaths and narcissists, being a piece of shit isn’t “satire” since you’re not really satirizing as much as you’re celebrating, and that irony…
*To the tune of the Game of Thrones theme*
6 person activity with matchmaking. People left about half way through mine. Thankfully it got filled quickly to continue on.
You can close the comments section now because this gif encompasses it all.
I’m in the same boat. I’vebeen considering grabbing a subscription to EA Access too just to give it a whirl. But also I got a bunch of grinding left to do in Destiny if I wanna catch up with my clan. I hope Anthem does well because it does look kinda fun and it has pretty cool ideas (Primer/Detonator mechanics seem…
You’ve disliked every superhero movie except the Nolan Batman films? Ugh. Seriously, I think that made me throw up in my mouth.
Yeah, as well as Infinity War...
when was the last time you saw a sex scene in a superhero film? watchmen? the wolverine?
By this criteria, Endgame should have done really well.
I’ve always avoided his videos for the most part because he looked like a creep in the thumbnails. I guess sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover!
But you're not sorry for being a twat?
Although I enjoyed watching this show from time to time growing up, I’ve never been much of a Trekkie. But I am currently enjoying the hell out of Discovery.
Surprisingly, Lucky Charms are really not that bad for you. I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are good for you, but there are way worse things to have for breakfast. Like Milk and honey Original Cafe’ mix for example.
This list does not contain Oh's, and is therefore invalid.