When I’m about to lose a Hearthstone match, I give my opponent the chance to kill me off and win the game, should they have all the necessary parts on the board.
When I’m about to lose a Hearthstone match, I give my opponent the chance to kill me off and win the game, should they have all the necessary parts on the board.
Damn! You are correct. My bad.
Just as his background music, “Life On Mars” by David Bowie
“Reasonably farm” I don’t want to have to do 5 hours per day to make it up. But if I could do it over the course of a month, yeah, that would be managable. Thanks for taking an interest in the financial planning and time management of my life.
Unfortunately, right now I don’t have time OR money, hopefully one of those will change soon. (Hoping on money)
There’s towns you can build and artifacts and demon hunters and secret hideouts for each class! All things we dreamed about and now I’m not here for any of it!
Why does adulting take so much time?
I just checked and it’s at like 200k. I had probably 130k when I stopped playing and I thought I was rich hahaha
Blizzcon always makes me jones for WoW, but I just can’t free up enough time to justify a subscription. I just wish there was a way to reasonably farm gold to do the WoW Token thing.
Two things:
Yeah, I’m creeped out. First from the phantom butt grab and realistic discomfort, then the rest (not saying, in case someone checks the comments before reading). It read like a good old fashioned scary story, with questions unsolved and through the narrators eyes but in a contemporary setting many on Kotaku can…
Look up I.M. Meen! It was a Doom/Wolfenstein 3D style game where you freed children from a labyrinth while solving grammar and spelling problems. You also had elemental wands to attack monsters, so there was a bit more action. I played the shit outta that game as a kid.
I’m pretty sure that’s a false stereotype that came about from people confusing a Tallit with a bedsheet. I say this as someone who believed the same thing as a child, until I looked into it.
Oh, hadn’t thought of that. I’m interested to see where the clone thing goes next season.
In my opinion, thinking the show is going back to a season 1 dynamic is looking at it at a very surface level. The only thing that is similar to season 1 is that the whole family is under the same roof, but look at how the characters and their relationships have changed.
Rick is no longer the most powerful family…
Get rid of Yuke’s. That really the only path forward.
Scott Steiner was asked to take a steroid test when he returned to WWE in 2002. He said he would under the condition that HHH took the test as well.
Why did those guys have submachine guns and rappelling gear? Weren’t they surfing when Gorgon met them? People are nice, but not usually “I’ll go to war with you, goat-person I just met.” nice.
Medusa meeting up with Scientist Lady will hopefully provide the fun “fish out of water” scenes she desperately needs.
I don’t fault her for cutting to a hard break, especially since Brokaw has already stated that his hearing aid went out and he didn’t hear her call for a break. Nothing wrong there.
I do, however, fault her for her bullshit closing statement she had to get in there. Notice how she frames it as people “defending” the…