Jack Napier

Most “Let’s Play” videos I watch are for games I know I’ll never get around to playing or are exclusive to other consoles, so it stands to reason the same can be said for e-sports leagues.

Vote out Rod Blum. Elect the kid that starts dancing at the end of the first video.

This is how I used to play games like Mass Effect and Fallout, when faced with a choice I needed to pick the one that gave me the better weapon or had the happy ending. But then I realized I wasn’t playing the game, I was moving from point to point and letting the guide choose for me. It didn’t feel like playing video

Hey Maddy, congrats on your continued success, didn’t know you were at Kotaku now!

I don’t know that much about this, besides what I’m reading here, but no longer denying the allegations when both parties go to mediation is exactly what you’re supposed to do. Moving to mediation means the case is working towards being settled and any outside discussion affects that, both sides were likely instructed

I thought Keemstar sounded familiar, then I remembered I scrolled past him defending Milo Yiannopolus on Twitter the other day. So yeah, I’m gonna say he’s just looking to stoke flames.

He’ll blame him for anything that goes wrong as a remnant of Obama’s administration. He’ll take credit for anything leftover from Obama because he’s the president now.

Don’t feel bad, I’ve seen Lucio and Zenyatta players do the exact same thing.

The law firm Trump has chosen to “isolate himself” from his company was named 2016 Russian Law Firm of the Year.

I’ve already seen someone on FB upset over Genji and Mercy. Personally, I think it would be hilarious to make them a couple in canon while in game, Genji mains are always upset with Mercy players over heals. It’s not their fault you dashed across the map to try and solo kill the other team.

Judging on how kids tend to rebel against what their parents want and desire, there’s a good chance these kids are going to hate Final Fantasy when they’re in those crucial teenage years.

So Genji wrote the letter that Mercy is reading, something going on there? Zenyatta just wants to have a snowball fight. Pharah is having dinner with some Canadian (I’m assuming since he positioned himself to be able to watch the hockey match.) Torbjorn has a lady in his life, or at least someone interested in playing

So I played GTAV/Online on PS3 but didn’t upgrade when I got a PS4. Is the game worth getting now only for online? Or should I wait for whatever next GTA iteration comes along?

“You know when you make a joke, and it just blows up way bigger than you ever imagined?”

I call bullshit. He knew exactly what he was doing and did it so he could reach 50 million subs. But hey, good for him and his fans, they can keep enjoying something they like. I’ll go back to my Pewdiepie-free life now.

Season 1 is the rise of new Overwatch with flashbacks showing the fall of the original Overwatch. (10 episodes) Main season arc is Overwatch up against Talon with both sides unaware of a larger threat. Ana reveal in episode 3, Sombra reveal in epi. 6, 2 part finale is Soldier 76 and Reaper learning the other is alive

It’s wrong to judge Trump on what he said! It happened so long ago!

Trump is really working for that Biff Tannen vote.

If you argue that those food trucks are “real” and better than the food trucks that have popped up after the food truck craze blew up, are you a food truck hipster? And since those newer food trucks are already “hipster-esq” are you some sort of giga-hipster? Out hipstering the hipsters?

When you beat the other team in little league baseball, you still lined up, shook hands and told them good game. It was a small bit of compassion that soothes a loss. Compassion you may wants extended your way one day. Now, if those kids said “good game for us, you were eazy to beat”, some of those kids might not come

“no feelings should get hurt.” - You don’t get to decide how other people feel. Blizzard does get to decide how they manage communication in the game they own and you signed a TOS for.
“Please don’t compare me to Trump.” - Sure, we’ll respect your wishes for that as soon as you respect the wishes of others to not be