Jack Napier

September will be injured by August for disobeying orders, doesn't have to be a gunshot, we only saw the wound, not what caused it, could've been a small thin knife. September goes back in time to talk to Olivia, telling her she needs to die. Why? Because with Peter removed from time, the only person still connected

Nice video/ great song, Shadowmoon represent! Also, I'm okay with Blizzcon delayed until 2013, it'll give me time to save up money and take a day off work.

First thing I thought of.

Couldn't take her out to a nice dinner and woo her? Maybe meet her at a bar and seduce her? Or even have a drunken night of passion where both are willing participants? You have to go right to "rape"? Seeing her in this game, I'd expect she'd fight back.

It was actually made by UPN and ran reruns on SciFi. I really liked this show, it was just enough cheese and it was a "network" (loosely using that word for UPN) sci-fi show that got 3 seasons. It ended a few months before 9/11, I wonder how a show that dealt with preventing horrible tragedy and terrorist attacks

The picture above is likely photoshopped, but they did indeed film a pilot with Sackhoff. Sort of boggles the mind doesn't it? But the original pilot for Sherlock wasn't as good as what went to air, we can always hope for the same thing here.

You're arguing with no one, nobody said anything against R&B or Hip-hop.

Yeah, please answer. I would've thought if we'd found life it would be in the headline, not stuck down in the last sentence.

Hey, Paul McGann was my first Doctor too! I really don't know many other people who can say that (or can, but choose not to.)

Two-Face wasn't black in the Animated series, only Burton's Batman.

I hope it's out for PS3 soon, I'm still having serious lag problems and backwards flying dragons and it's bumming me out. I love this game and want to keep playing. At least it's giving me more time to play Oblivion on PC while I wait.

Sooooo.....Escape from L.A....IN SPACE!

Now playing

While not my absolute favorite song, it's the one that most reminds me of the game. My friend had it on N64, I used to restart the level over and over just to get this song.

Will Smith doesn't actually say "surly" when describing K, its just his voice-over. I'd expect better editing with a movie with such a huge budget.

Watching the episode again, the landlord that Abed goes to interrogate is watching a Quantum Leap porno. The line you overhear on his TV is "Sam, Ziggy says there's an 80% chance that you can't leave Woodstock until you bone these hippies." God I love Community for little things like that.

You know who else could "change their perception and experience of the world in ways that the rest of us cannot"? Mothafrakin Cylons! Oh my God, it's all real!

Wait, dragon corpses clean up? I thought the skeletons were supposed to stay around forever, it was something I liked about the game, seeing the remains of my epic conquests, passing the skeletons much later on and remembering the fight I had. If that's what changes in this patch, then I am disappoint.

Community will get to finish out this season and will likely get one more season after this. The reason behind this is that Sony is is very serious about getting it's shows up to syndication length to make more money after the series ends. And to do that, they need to get 4 seasons. So don't fret, Community will be

Yeah, only 2 minutes in and it's already a bit of a bother. From 1:41 - 2:00, same line of dialogue is repeated twice (it sounds like 2 different takes). With the production value on hand, it seems like it should've been caught.

Jesus Christ, it looks like my ex's new boyfriend. Glad this never came to pass.