Good motorboating
Good motorboating
The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.
Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:
Almost the inverse of their capital flow, roughly $2.39 billion to 0 in 60 months.
Fuck all this noise about a pick on that last play. Marlon Humphrey tackled Artavis Scott into Tony Brown and that’s what caused Renfrow to be wide open.
Classic Madden strategy.
Yeah, Ronda threw one, Nunes threw the rest.
Do you people not see the irony in being upset at this guy while hoping dozens more would do the same in favor of Clinton? Democratic process is democratic process, you can’t throw away the rules only when it suits you.
Look, I’m just as disappointed in this election’s outcome as anyone. But could we all stop with the fucking crying about it? Seriously, put on your fucking big boy and big girl pants and start figuring out what to do now. Jesus fucking
Christ on a stick.
Why is this on Jalopnik?
Ehhhh. Remember that to the Biblical Jesus, serving the poor and loving your neighbor are godly works, but they aren’t what gets you into heaven. Faith in Christ is what gets you into heaven.
LOL, similar story, but with an S2K back in the day. Tried to do a quick u-turn on a 6 lane urban “highway” ahead of oncoming traffic. I gave it too much gas slid and didn’t catch the slide until after three back-and-forth correction attempts. Cop immediately pulls up behind me, lights on. I turn off the road…
They’ll have to grapple with the repercussions for the rest of their lives.
I hate when Gawker’s leftist politics bleed over into otherwise-readable sites.
I think it’s grotesque that kids are getting dragged into any kind of partisan politics. Now they’re going to go on to be confrontational and combative politically, just like their sectarian parents. Too bad. They’re going to adopt that fine old US-ism “one or t’other, fer us or agin us”. :(
So what you’re saying is, you’re teaching your child to look at the world through a lens of deep-seated resentment and suspicion towards very large swaths of the population.
Do you think that’s normal? Do you think maybe that reflects your anxiety and emotional state instead of his? Seems like that might be an area to focus on.