
I have an awesome LS430, 2004! Love it. However, this article features a Lexus that is FUGLY.

Thank you for your service!

Uhmm. Geno shouldn’t have dodged the guy for almost a month. That unpaid $600, which is chump change to a starting QB, is going to cost Geno a lot more now. And who is dumb enough to piss off your own LB - what another dumb move by Geno. What a dick.

Wait, that’s his wife??? I thought that was Bruce jenner without makeup.

You seem a little angry. Ok, a lot angry that Trump is getting the attention he is. Sort of how i felt when Lord Obama ran the first time - on the unspoken platform of benefiting off the collective shame of white America.

two decades TKD, BJJ here so I appreciate your comment. Yes, I know Serena would get her ass kicked. But it would be so much fun to watch since her sense of greatness would probably make her think she has a chance.

I think Serena would do well in the octagon.

Who cares. Seriously - who cares.

what bike? there is none I can see.

I heard she and Jerry Sandusky’s wife are in the same book group. No really.

“I still ride it around Detroit when it’s nice outside”- wI don’t think that day/hour/minute has ever happened in Detroit. So what you are saying is that you never ride it outside?

I really hope these kids were white. If not...well we got a whole new set of issues to deal with other than an idiot adult.

I work for a large auto.....mmmm....candy company. Can I have my dad send me some oxy.....mmmm...candy in the mail?


My daughter uses the Fire phone, which I got in January when they ran a similar albeit higher price point promo.

My daughter uses the Fire phone, which I got in January when they ran a similar albeit higher price point promo.

Because it shows up as a notification in the upper right corner.

i don’t read what others comment - i comment.

I bet if the girl wasn’t hot he would have thrown the phone in the trash.

Next stop....Greece!!

hey you know what? If that guy would shut-up i could actually hear the car.