
I’ve commented before and I’ll continue to argue that we as Star Trek fans, and genre fans in general, need to lessen our grip on this notion of canon. Over 5 decades of Star Trek there have been so many factors at play, so many writers, and so much change that there simply can’t be one solid conitinuity anymore. We

It doesn’t make you an old at all. There is a certain quality to original works that, while hard to pin down, is certainly real. I firmly believe that people can sense it. It’s that very essence of originality that is almost always lost when that work is remade, no matter the deficiencies of the original. Few remakes

Is this one of those tongue-in cheek ironic posts? Because as someone who is an artist and views almost everything in life in terms of visual design, those are all goddawful ugly costumes that barely make sense on paper, let alone imagined on actual human beings.

I don’t know if being 35 makes me to old to “get” it, but I think you’re right. It’s a bad sketch and I’d be embarassed if I wrote it. The “suddenly he’s right behind them” gag has been done a million times before, in various ways. And the cringe-worthy performance by Hanks is itself a parody of people parodying bad,

Honestly, your third party Dinobot combiner looks way cooler than this official one. Also, gtfo with this “Slug” business. His name is “Slag” and I will hear no more about it! Harrumph!

The MyDevice was absolute garbage, and the hardware revealed its flaws right away. It was a disaster. The battery life was shockingly poor and the scanner, which *supposedly* operates on a secondary battery would often fail to charge, meaning that a fully charged device could have a dead scanner and be effectively

I think the time to worry about Star Trek cannon is long past. Between the limitations of TOS and TNG, some of the baffling decisions made on Voyager and Enterprise, the highly questionable TNG movies, and the great dumbing-down of the enjoyable-but-not-Star Trek Abramsverse, I think we all need to step back and take

Yes! This is true for me as well.

Yes! This is true for me as well.

The only revival episode I really liked was the goofy one with Rhys Darby. I was dismayed however that they followed up the goofy episode with yet another goofy episode, only this time terrible with Mulder (apparently) placebo-effecting his way through the mosf bizarre mushroom trip ever portrayed on network

I wish I could give 2 stars: one for avatar name, and the other for the well-played Bubba Hotep reference.

Thing is, if a person, any person, only watched FNC day-in and day-out, I’m totally convinced that eventually they’d come away converted into a conservative viewpoint. Fox spends an absolutely incredible amount of energy and resources making their slanted coverage feel “grounded” and “common sense” while utterly

Yeah, I don’t know about this. I stuck around through all six episodes of the revival season, but found it equally underwhelming and cringe-worthy. with a scant few bright spots to cling to. As someone who went from preteen to full-blown teen during the show’s heyday, a great wealth of nostalgia springs from the

Love beer, but it often gives me headaches, especially after a long work week. I used to drink quite often, but as I’ve gotten older (35) I’ve noticed that on some days, even one beer is enough to bring on a creeping headache. Usually, after the pleasant alochol buzz has worn off, I often find that get extremely

Good to see Jim Sterling is still being Jim Sterling. He was the best thing about Destructoid. It really hasn’t been the same since he left... in fact it’s kind of terrible lately.

This is pretty sad. Foxtrot has been one of the most informative and even-handed blogs in all of Gawker.

Thats.... that’s amazing. I didn’t know one could even do that!

I really dislike how often people opine about the “realism” of Nolan’s Batman films, as if it was somehow a good thing. For starters, the idea that the films are realistic is, itself, a stretch. But more than that, I’ve always found that his style, that po-faced tonality that Nolan injects into all his movies

Local news? Not a chance. This is clearly just some guy screwing around. If not for the shots of young Nemoy and Doohan, I’d have guessed that this was a modern recording with film grain edited in. And that the lion-o looking guy was, in fact, Youtuber “Onyx the Fortuitous.”

Sure. I wouldn’t say there weren’t some really odd decisions in the game. But I feel the need to defend it at times, because so much of the conversation around the game seems to paint it as some kind of irredeemable failure, when nothing could be further from the truth. Hell, I think it could’ve been really cool if

I’m a fan of the game. But I actually agree on this point. I enjoyed Halo 5's campaign missions more than Halo 4's by a long way. And I liked the story as well as any of the others, in all honesty, but the game’s pre-launch marketing really screwed the pooch. To the point where it almost seems like blatant lying in