
Having visited Epic forums several times during the early days of Gears of War 3, I can report that very little of value had probably been lost. I’ve never encountered such concentrated, pointless, hyperventilating entitled nerd-rage on display outside of, well, the old Bungie forums.

There is a scene in Gojira where the paleontologist Dr. Yamane refers to Trilobites as being from the Jurassic period, and then later explains that the Jurassic period was “about two million years ago.” That shit always cracked me up.

Jesus Fucking Christ, the constant butthurt and complaints about stupid-ass comic characters get really tiresome. One day, I’ll learn to stop reading the comment section here.

I’ve always chosen to believe that Tie Fighter pilots have a visual holographic in their helmets that allows them to see through their ships, like F-35 pilots can today. I mean, we see them flying in close formation at several points in the movies, they fly at blindingly fast speeds and make tight turns. They have to

I have no hopes for the spin-off movies. The most iconic original characters (Han Solo, Darth Vader, Lando, Boba Fett, Chewbacca) were so great because they showed us just enough, and let our imaginations do the rest. Frankly, I am entirely, utterly tired and jaded with Hollywood taking great ideas and running them

No, absolutely not. None of the TNG films are really very good. I honestly don’t see how any fan of TNG can really enjoy those movies. What the film did to the Borg by giving them a “Queen” is bad enough, the characterizations are all over the place, the side-story about Zephram Cochran is dull, and the epic

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Yeah, I have to agree. In other words, despite the recent popular sentiment to the contrary, computer effects aren’t getting worse, exactly. But the effects do become tiresome quickly and the movies are getting shittier because we’re in the middle of this weird transitional period when we have these incredible toys to

I wish more people knew about this.

Horner himself has admitted that his “pure scavenger” claims about T. rex was more of a publicity move than an actual belief of his. He says “I’m not convinced that T. rex was only a scavenger... (but) I will say so sometimes just to be contrary and get my colleagues arguing.” He’s been trolling the world, in other

I prefer the original as well. Terminator 2 would well and truly be as awesome as everyone says it is if 1) it didn’t star an obnoxious kid, and 2) maintained a little more of the original’s stark, uncompromising 80’s-style violence. The Terminator being asked by a child not to kill people kind of seems like a

Ouch, as an F-22 I find the summary of my life biting and uncalled for, even if it is true. I’m going to get off the internet and turn my life around.

Nah, Kirk screwed up the timeline during the events of “City on the Edge of Forever.” We’re already living in the Mirror Universe timeline, we just don’t know it yet. That’s why you see so many people with Goatees nowadays.

Agreed. I realize I’m in an extreme minority here, but the more I think about this, the more I feel like Spiderman doesn’t fit with the MCU movies at all. I couldn’t care less about what worked in the comic books, the Avengers movies we’ve gotten so far just don’t seem to jive with what we’ve seen of Spiderman so far.

Jerry Goldsmith and James Horner have composed most of my favorite film scores... John Williams’ work is severely overrated in my humble opinion (aside from his original Star Wars work, which goes without saying).

6 inches? I’ve never seen one that was more than one inch. Among U.S. species anyway.

Meh. They are also widespread throughout the southwestern US. I used to capture them and keep them as pets, briefly. They don’t last very long in captivity. They look pretty ferocious, but they are harmless to people, and very delicate in general. They are fast creatures, but in a fight against any other tiny

I think the meaning and consequences of this paradigm shift in Star Trek would be a great subject to research and do a write-up for. Piller and Moore laid the ground-work for a more consistent and relatively grounded Star Trek Universe between TNG, DS9, and Voyager, and the fictional universe ostensibly became much

Someone should send those guys a note explaining how the use of a single phrase over-and-over-and-over kind of diminishes its meaning.

God, I love this. I can’t wait to see the first clear shots of freaking Pluto! It’s simply unbelievable that we are on the verge of getting close-up images of something 4 billion miles away. I hope there are black rivers of pitch like Lovecraft imagined, but even if there aren’t, it’s going to be amazing.

Jack Horner has become a bit of a joke. First he politicized the debate on the dietary habits of Tyrannosaurus, and now he’s shilling for a mindless summer action flick that’s only going to pay the barest minimum of lip-service to science and paleontology. “Credibility,” lmfao.