Well, revolver-style rifles do exist, but they just never caught on. I'm not an expert but I can guess why.
Well, revolver-style rifles do exist, but they just never caught on. I'm not an expert but I can guess why.
A lot of writers tend to overstate things for the sake of interest. The build up to Dead Space 3 was rife with speculation that the game would force you to play co-op and that it's horror aspects would be toned down and the game would be a disaster. A month later, even though none of those things were true, lazy…
Youch! Except that 90 percent of all hamburgers are served at cheap fast-food joints and July 4th barbeques (God Bless 'Merica), and they all are topped with American cheese, except at those hoity-toity *high class* themed-diners like Applebee's, and Chilis, where I assume you rich folk all eat, when you aren't busy…
So true.
Thank you. Yes, I played through CoD MW2 and 3, and Black Ops, and I couldn't tell you what happened in either of those stories, other than that there was a man named "Soap."
I never understood why the story-line of Gears of War attracted so much criticism. The games all had serviceable stories that moved the player to each encounter with as much logic as a game about shotgunning reptilian troglodytes really needs. Nothing in the stories ever became overbearing, nor did they ever seem…
Ignore the haters. You are absolutely correct. The Expanded Universe is a mostly a bunch of poorly conceived bullshit. A few moments spent in Wookiepedia will confirm that.
American Cheese is horrible, and as an American I say this with authority. It's only acceptable on Hamburgers, and that's only because we've all come to expect Hamburgers to be garnished with a bland cheese that doesn't compete with the greasy beef flavor.
I have this same reaction. I'm seeing a lot of people my age (I'm 31 and I assume Aaron Gyles is about the same age based on his post) saying that Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 (and countless others recent sequels to older franchises, such as Halo 4) just aren't as good as those older classics. Those older games were…
Well, you just have to realize that the "serious problems" you see in the Republican party, and the "serious problems" a Republican sees are two different sets of problems. You, for example, might cite various changes in policy during the 80's that led to an increasingly irrelevant world-view within the party.
I like yogurt, but only the sugary ones that yoplait makes full of hfcs. They taste like candy, and can't be good for you, but they are so damn good. Especially the strawberry cheesecake flavor. I don't think that makes me unmanly...
Conservatives still LOVE Reagan, and if history records any downsides to his terms, they are dismissed as liberal revisionism, because liberals hate the truth. I wish I were kidding about that, but I have family who loathe anything "liberal" despite not having a clear definition of what that means.
don't get my hopes up
I'm surprised no one has complained about the old "magical-nature-based-Native American-super-powers" trope being pretty racist in this day and age. I'm not complaining about it, because I have no personal stake in it either way, I'm just surprised no one else has brought it up yet.
Yeah, I support this statement.
You'll be waiting a while yet. There is most likely going to be at least one more piece of DLC for Skyrim before all is said and done. I was going to wait for the GOTY edition myself, but my will is weak....
Damn right
Many people are deeply invested in the idea that to succeed in life, you have to out-perform your neighbor. Socialism supposedly takes away (some) of the means by which some people can out-do others, by forcing them to support people who can't support themselves, (like what medicaid does) and many people are so…
Most Americans are unaware that without the French, the Revolution probably would've failed.
I agree, but I doubt we're going to see any leaps in anything other than graphics for a while. The industry only cares about moving the most product off the shelves, and selling people on big flashy visuals is the easiest way to do that. Revolutionary AI or new gameplay mechanics just aren't a selling point for the…