

Not everyone's race track is asphalt. The "dressed up agricultural vehicle" can sustain 80+ speeds on terrain that would shake most vehicles apart.

The 5 year old 6.2L is ancient?

More like Jezebel. It's a sad day when for humanity when people start caring more about mpg's over horsepower in a supercar.

With oil as low as it is and not expected to reach $100 a barrel again for a long long time I'm wondering if people can justify paying the premium for one of these. Especially if all they are trying to do is save on gas.

Two of the big tunes for Raptors are 5 Star and SVC, I'm running the SVC and love it. There are plenty of supercharger options options out there for the Raptor. Whipple, Roush, Procharger, etc. Mine's less than a year old so not going to go for one yet, maybe in 2-3 years. I'll see what they come out with the 2016's.

I have one aswell and have looked into forced induction. The 6.2L V8 is just too big for TT. I know 2 aftermarket companies that have tried, one gave up on it because of heat problems and dust from offroad. The other one went ahead with it but it's much more expensive than the supercharger options and it's a smaller

Amen. To me TG:USA seemed to me like they would take the silly challenge segment of a TG:UK episode and try to turn the segment into a whole episode. And the winner would get to drive a nice car.

What kind of dolt watches a Top Gear Special hoping to learn about the cars?

Not going to lie, Clarkson's story about his dad made me tear up a little.

Amen. 7 months after graduating with a petroleum engineering degree I went out and bought a Raptor. Can't go wrong with an engineering degree.

I read an article saying Top Gear was playing with the Hennessey VelociRaptor up in Canada. This must be what the crew gets up to in their free time.

For HTPC use Windows or Linux are superior to a Mac. Go to any HTPC forum and you'll see the overwhelming majority are running Windows, then Linux with Mac being in dead last. From those forums it seems like a lot of Mac's struggle with HD audio with most not even able to do it. Compatibility issues are significantly

For HTPC use Windows or Linux are superior to a Mac. Go to any HTPC forum and you'll see the overwhelming majority

Don't forget that Win 8 outperformed Win 7 in pretty much every benchmark test. Win 10 will likely outperform 8. If the upgrade is free then it makes no sense not to make it.

Funny. I used a glitch with Battlefield 2142 to level up faster and get some new guns and gear. I then got bored with the game and quit playing it. Never took advantage of an exploit in a game again after that cause you're only cheating yourself.

The viscous cycle never ends, don't forget the only reason the Corvette parked like a douche is because other douches don't know how to open up their door properly and have no respect for other people's property. They are the real villain here.

What they deserve is not to have their $70k+ cars get dinged up because some peon driving a jalopy doesn't know how to open a door properly. Even if insurance takes care of the ding (which you have to pay a higher premium to get low to no deductible), getting the ding out is a huge pain in the ass.

Park in them and make sure you eat so you can see it. If you see someone about to mess with it video tape it and sue their ass for destruction of property. It amazes me how little respect people have for other people's property.

You don't buy the Raptor for fuel efficiency, if you want that go buy an Ecoboost FX4. The Raptor is built for one purpose, I can only hope Ford doesn't neuter it to appeal to the Mall Crawler crowd.

Then buy a FX4, the Raptor isn't for you.