The clam with a hundred eyes? Sounds creepy. What we need to air out the creepy a bit is a cute kitten gif.
So? Scallops have eyes too!
I’d drop some clam puns down on you, but I’m far too shellfish.
Ha ha good one. No really, that is a joke right? T
Actual mugshot
I’ll add that the reason for most of the target moving is the improved resolution on the CBR coupled with the fact that the CBR isn’t actually from the time of the big bang, but rather just when the universe cooled enough to make the CBR.
To think what life may have popped up in such old galaxies, that we’ll never get the chance to know. It’s a pinprick of light to us, but contained billions of potentially habitable worlds just like our galaxy. Then think about the billions of galaxies themselves out there...All that stuff out there, that we’ll never…
This is the oldest galaxy I’ve found:
Not Amyl Nitrate, Amyl Nitrite. Amyl Nitrate is a controlled substance used as heart medication. Amyl Nitrite, whilst having a similar effect, is much less profound. In the case of a treatment for Cyanide poisoning my guess is that the nitrite part would be a active ingredient as Doctors have access to Amyl Nitrate…
Love this! Siren-song Firefly
There’s one species of firefly in which the female can flash her light in patterns typical of sexually receptive females of other species. Then when males of these other species fly down to investigate she catches them, kills them and eats them.
It’s actually just a Gorignak egg sac.
Shown here for clarity:
It’s not a crab or a plant. It’s the tip of the nose of a Giant Martian Mole.