When was the last time Chevy won at the top levels of motorsport? Late 60's when they were building engines for McLaren in Can Am
When was the last time Chevy won at the top levels of motorsport? Late 60's when they were building engines for McLaren in Can Am
They are coming back to Formula 1 next year.
Yep... no history at all.
Definitely more deserving than several on this list
I would not consider a spec series with 20 year old technology to be higher than GT racing at all.
It's still a shitty list.
Nope none at all... Nothing like building the first mid-engined race car back in the freaking 30's
Sure, in 1969.
What in the actual hell is this joke of a list. Ford on top? FORD? Seriously? Sure they won Le Mans in the 60's, but what have they done since?? NASCAR?!?!?
He's hardly "dominating". Despite Lewis having 2 retirements due to car failure, Rosberg still hasn't won as many races.
ok, I get your point, but I think you went a bit too far.
This is the correct livery.
Yeah... they have absolutely no case. I'd be surprised if the Lawyer who filed it was doing it for anything other than publicity.
If you spend any significant time behind the wheel of one, you will understand why.
I feel like the starting price is just slightly too high... They should learn from Porsche and have the base price start at $89k, then charge $4000 for nav and power windows...
shuddupanddontaskitonin is a neurotransmitter... not a hormone
Please keep repeating this wives tale so resale values stay nice and low...