
I have wondered why this isn’t talked about more. Even reducing the complexity of the wings would have a significant impact...

He’s correct. 89% of ALL drivers ADMIT to speeding. So you are either 85 years old, delusional, or just an asshole hypocrite.

I have an FRS now, and love it. If they released a turbo version for $30k, I would trade up to it tomorrow.

I sure hope not. There needs to be a place in the world where this can exist. These are intelligent adults willfully partaking in an activity they choose.

It will be a sad day that whales and dolphins are still slaughtered on a regular basis, but humans doing dangerous things is illegal.

I’m really disappointed by this post. The auto transmission is the problem? By that logic, the exact same could be said about the 991 GT3 he is following, which is more popular than ever, seeing an explosion of buyers since switching to an automatic. (ironically... many former z06 owners)

“PTM” ? Porsche traction Management?

Awful post. The exact same could be said about the 991 GT3 he is following... which has seen an explosion of buyers (ironically... many former z06 owners) since switching to an automatic.

In racing, half the appeal is that the ends justify the means. Dude didn’t crash, dude was fast, so who are you to try to publicly

This is the normal dealer margin.

Why are all the Porsche teams racing 997 cars? Is it a regulation thing, or are the older cars just faster?

No, it won’t. It will weigh 3500 lbs, and have fake engine noise. You sir are the problem

They have finally perfected the Boxster/Cayman rear spoiler. I can’t imagine anyone with a 981 not wanting to swap to this.

Women buyers make up 11% of boxster sales.

I sure hope so... the prices are still insanely high for a 4 year old car

Definitely a prettier car.

Completely different buyers: The Turbo guy wants something that ISNT flashy, that can be driven every day, and isn't any more inconvenient to own than his BMW or Merc. For what it is, the level of performance is pretty damn amazing.

Now playing

Le Mans is under-represented in this list...

That is absolutely brilliant.

Edit- this was not the pass I thought it was. This does not deserve to be up there.

This is not only the greatest racing duel, but one of the best duels of any sort captured on video.

Yes. Black and silver suits a German mark well.