Man, he came right out of a comic book. RIP.
Man, he came right out of a comic book. RIP.
I agree this was probably the best episode of the season as it was consistently good from beginning to end. This show has really impressed me. It really develops their villains, without excusing that they are evil. This is how it should be done and I am baffled at why the CW shows have such trouble doing this. We see…
Back to back muttering of I wish I could and her secretiveness in bonding with Courtney seemed gay-coded at first to me too, but when it is revealed she knows more about the ISA than any of the other kids and that she has no real relationships because she is a mole or her dad, it actually seemed like sincere…
Yeah, so, I’m doubling down on the whole “Henry had nothing to do with Yolanda’s photos getting leaked” thing. Now it was clearly something Cindy did (at the behest of her father, no doubt) so that they could end up using Henry’s developing powers (in case he had them).
Most terrifying thing about this episode was…
This episode was incredibly good. Meg DeLacy did a fantastic job and like Caroline said, the episode did a great job of making Cindy feel sympathetic yet evil.
Most adorable moment of the episode: Courtney running down the basement stairs to say good morning to the staff.
Caught it last night, and the episode did not disappoint. The early-Smallville Buffy comparisons are apt. The bad guys (and girls) are just the right bit of campy to keep them scary, like the confrontation between Cindy and her stepmom. And the little JSA crew bit was also so much fun. They really have created a…
My usual random thoughts.
“Sportsmaster” is still the lamest name ever.
Most horrifying declaration? "Don't take it out on your stepmother. I don't have time to prepare another one again."
Given her “natural tendencies”, Cindy might wanna consider being a licensed D.D.S.:
Great episode, and more like DC’s version of Red Hulk (which I think came afterwards?). When I watched the Red Hulk reveal on Avengers: EMH I was like, seriously? Why not get JK Simmons while you’re at it?
Needs more Grundy. Approximately 22 more minutes of Grundy, with commercials.
This show continues to have far better characterization and choreography than I ever expected of it. That’s not to say some characters aren’t frustrating and annoying - but the traits that make them that way are grounded in their characters and make sense for them.
The fight between Shiv and Stargirl was badass. That’s some of the most fun I’ve had watching two people fight on a superhero TV show since season 2 of Arrow.
God bless Johns and DCU funding levels. Stargirl is really shaping up to be way better of a show than it has any right to be.
If you are wearing an actual respirator with cartridges and can smell cinnamon buns, it’s not effective. I remember getting fit for one when I was in the Navy. We had to go into a tent that had a rag with banana oil on it. If you could smell bananas, you had to get with the instructor and correct the fitment or try a…
if you’re considering buying a designer cloth mask that has a valve (somehow the fancy ones all seem to have valves), be aware that they only filter your inhaled air, not your exhaled air.
Those games were so rage-inducing. Rebel Assault I had a bit where you had to pilot an X-wing through a canyon filled with crystals and I KEPT CRASHING. 10-year-old me was so angry about it.