
Actually, Tina Fey is such a good actress/smarter person, that the exact same lines make more sense when she says them than when Palin says them.

She might want to reconsider her stance on teleprompters.

Ok, so I just don’t get SNL. Every time I hear a sketch is worth watching I’ll give it a go but it never raises more than a slight smile. Like, a literally half second, half smirk. I dunno, I’m Scottish, British humour is different but this wasn’t funny to me. It seems laboured, over rehearsed, the jokes are obvious

Your link has Kyle Baker himself saying that Cap already existed before Bradley was empowered.

Bradley getting empowered was an attempt by the military to replicate the work of Dr. Erskine after he was killed by the Nazis while empowering Rogers. Presumably that means Rogers had already proven his value or they

Jesus, did he get his youth back by stealing Sharon’s? (I’m assuming that’s Sharon back there). Honey, maybe go take a nap.

Sure he’s got pouches on his belt but you know what he really needs? Pouches on his gloves!

Two Captain Americas. Two Spider- Men. Two Wolverines. There's even a new Hulk. Why can't they just create new characters instead of spinning off old ones over and over?

He wore a Captain America-like suit, and used the name, but he wasn’t Captain America.

Bucky was great too. Didn’t mean he was really Captain America.

As opposed to the various inferior substitutes who are filling in while Steve Rogers is out of service.

Its no different than when they “killed” Steve Rogers, only to turn around with that fucking stupid bulshit story about how he never actually died and his consciousness was stuck in the negative zone...We had to go through Punisher taking over as Cap, hating the rules not being able to handle it and passing it off to

Thank the gods, we finally get the real Captain America back.....

Yeah. US Agent was more like a Regan era republican than a Tea Party one.

Didn’t they just do this a few years back with Bucky. They need to stop the whole Steve isn't Cap or is dead story that they keep looping over every few years.

Well there’s already another Falcon so I say split the difference and have Sam’s new moniker be Captain Falcon.

Maybe. But how does it come back...

I don’t know how I feel about this. To me a lot of the draw of Steve’s frozen for decades story hook was always him trying to apply those classic era values to today’s problems. Captain America has really always been topical. While I would love to see Rogers back in action, if it’s just to do WWII stuff in modern day.

This lacks any sort of conviction - in my view. They arn’t making him Captain America, their making him STEVE RODGERS - CAPTAIN AMERICA. He wont have HIS shield, he will have a new Energy Sword shield that can split in two so he.... I can’t even finish talking about the stupidity of that idea and why it goes against


This is ridiculous.