
While I don't think it's quite as bad as that, I *AM* sure that they will loose a significant amount of viewership... As long as I still get my Doctor Who...

I'll just leave this here...

The First Lady of Fighting Games. I think she's one of the most beautiful and badass characters ever created for video games, and she doesn't need to flaunt a costume that covers 5% of her flesh or bounce her enormous breasts around as a distraction.

Good points. I backed VM and never regretted it for a second!

If there's one thing people who are insanely overpaid need it's bags of free stuff.


I feel like this was a bad year for movies. Most of these movies sucked. Boyhood was fucking boring. Birdman was somehow weird and boring. This might have been Wes Anderson's worst film. The Imitation Game was boring, and who cares about the story of Steven Hawking falling in love with a woman he would later leave

Guys don't dump friends, they just fade away. That way, who knows, down the road your interests might converge and you're friends again. It's a very elastic concept.

You're forgetting his frequent sparring partner:

I think you mean Billy as his equal. (And is also potentially better. )

It all depends on the writers. Look at Wonder Woman in the Justice League animated series, she was damn near his physical match. Also, Superman is weak to magic, aren't god powers magical in nature?

I'm sitting here the whole time thinking "Superman could just stand there with his arms crossed and Batman would never move him...wtf is going on here?"

Well, actually, Elf from Gauntlet could fire faster ....

Now do this for Family Guy and realize how the whole show is pretty much Seth MacFarlane talking to himself.

That would truly be terrifying. It's a professional composure I'm afraid I absolutely don't possess.

All I'm saying is that it should've been Matt Bomer.

not since Natalie Portman & Hayden Christensen has such raw sexual tension scorched the screen!

Considering that you unlock 3/4 of the game with money.