III is easily the worst. Between I and II?
2nd is the best. You get past present and future. What more do you want from a trilogy about time travel and sweet clothes?
Stay tuned for 2017 when Blade Runner fanboys will demand, "Where's my Pleasure Replicants?"
Cheers to you. The third is far and away the worst of the three.
It is a universal truth that the third is the worst in the series. A pox on anyone who disagrees!
My exact reaction. Part 3 is clearly the weakest film of the lot. I mean, I still like it, but that's just how it is.
The second movie is not the worst. That would be the third. On it's own, it's an OK movie. But the first two are better and the third one feels way unconnected to the first two, because of the Wild West setting. And Doc is a dick at the end. "Hey Marty, I built a new time machine. But you can't come with me and my…
There's enough people who can't stay upright on a snowboard, and that's on the ground with your feet locked into it. The hoverboard would probably function as population control, instead of as a mode of transportation.
like the worst movie in a solid trilogy
Even if the physics of a hoverboard made any sense and we actually had them, some dumbass kid would snap his fucking neck falling off one and then his shithole parents would sue the company into bankruptcy and they'd disappear anyway. Because Murica.
This is nothing. All the newspapers back in 1885 were whining about the lack of time-traveling flying trains.
The line "I thought these things smelled bad on the outside" may jog your memory.
It's such a shame that Goyer who simultaneously paraded the blatant sexism in comics and his own ignorance about the Hulk storyline in general gets to write this movie. Astounding, really.
I don't usually tell stories about celebrities I've met but this one is so good I have to share.
My freshman year of university in Los Angeles I worked as a showroom model for a few boutiques in Beverly Hills. It was during movie awards season and one of the clients was Amy Madigan, who I saw frequently because she…
Well played, sir. Well played.