
"Here's your problem. See this support column? Looks like it was designed by a guy who learned calculus at a school which spent its money on a football stadium instead of a decent teacher."

I have so many memories of idiot parents from my years in little league baseball. I can vividly remember sitting in the dugout one year, listening to a father in a lawn chair yelling at a kid for making his son look bad, when I realized that adults can be just as clueless about life as kids are. Important life lesson

Don't hook up with this one — she gots the crazy eyes


remember, in the event of a water landing, your Stewardess can be used as a flotation device.

They should make a movie about the Browns draft!!

I like the part where it only took him 90 seconds to reenact Yao's entire career with Houston. Outstanding.

Now playing

How sad is it that I knew most of this? Thank you, Starlog!

Just ask Bryan Singer!!!!!!!!!!11111

Some of us put in an honest 9-5 to pay the bills. Some of us just learn to give an 80-year-old billionaire a blowjob and call him "honey."

When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the

"I was." - John Kruk

To be fair, the evolutionary biologists I know don't know fuck all about basketball.

It should have been called " how I settled for your mother so I could have the kids I wanted and then went back to the real love of my life once she died" Horrible ending.

As a professor of criminal justice who studies police violence, this is neither uncommon nor will result in any punishment for the officer despite being both illegal and (I can guarantee) against department policy as well. There's some commenter lurking around here claiming that the officer was responsible for

...the girl was then called for an offensive foul.

Thankfully not.