The RIAA are acting like a bunch of childish thugs and it's rather easy to do so when you're not policed it seems. It's not their money to give away and it should be evenly distributed across artists and films.

You know what? I actually bothered to open Firefox and find this comment again just so I could mark it for #COTD. Gotta be!

5yr old E46 330 that I'd had for 6mths and still owed ~$8k on. Lost all power and engine had gone in to limp mode (manual trans). Took it to the BMW dealer who charged $160 just to look at it.

Fuuuuuuck. A truly outstanding Gizmodo article, worthy of a prize. Spectacular.

My money goes on the surprise Oppo consortium coming out of leftfield. I got $100

I err, fitted some giant rally spotlights to my crappy Rover Meto first car. I earthed them under the main engine earth but forgot to tighten the nut. When I started the car, the engine earthed down the accelerator cable, causing smoke, a small fire and a snapped cable. Not a mistake I made twice.

1. ?



To all the miserable buggers talking about host ocean up after this, sod off and buy something with a fancy veneer from some far away nation that you can impress the importance of on the dinner guests who never come because you're too god damn boring. You've obviously missed the point. This kicks ass. Maybe you

That's not exactly what I meant. Still, cool job

As a BMW owner, this needs to be dealt with by BMW UK, yesterday.

Ah, just outside London. I thought it might have been "*your* Chinooks that were terrorising our cat.

Can I jump on this as an opportunity to seriously propose the LM002?

Whereabouts? The buggers fly over our house almost every day. Should see the effect it has on the cat!

So does London

Well, seeing as nobody scans through with the new format

You know where.

Freaking A. Get on it. Let us know when you're coming.

Including fuelling a 4.5 v8 range rover and entry, £350. Epic win. Come.