No. My main argument is that if everyone allowed the progression and installation of new technologies and didn't take the 'not in my back yard' approach, that we'd be much further away from our reliance on fossil fuels at the moment and EVERYTHING would be more green. I also commend Apple (amongst others) for their

Beautiful. How the hell did I miss that one?

You know what really grinds my gears? Unrealistic environmentalists and 'not in my back yard' types. Time and time again we see people saying "it's not 'green' enough" or "you could have done more". Yeah, because I'm sure that every member of Greenpeace hand fires their own bricks from their own clay that they mined

Am I the only one thinking I'd drive that?

No prob. I would send you my copy but it's the kind of thing that you read again and again

Me and my dad (an 80's RAF vet) were chatting about this and came up with the best idea ever.

Well said that man. Saved me a lengthy rant along the same lines. Thanks

I like it, but not $16k like it

+ 100,000


Does the date have something to do with this? I didn't find it funny either way.

I don't see anything wrong with this. Yes, if it was to be reproduced today, it'd be hideous. But as a product of it's era, it's classic. For $22k? I'd hit that.


Having read your comment, I re-read the article and found the Mirage bit. I take it back entirely. My bad. This is something close to my heart and it rags on me often. Sorry Andrew. My fault. Thanks Klaud

This is EXACTLY the one dimensional sort of journalism that I'm rapidly beginning to associate with Gizmodo. To all who want to know why the TU-144 pitched down so violently that the engines stalled and left them trying to go from -1G to +6.5G (a move that no commercial airliner could handle), look no further than the


Wow. I always thought as much but it's good to hear it researched