Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Mega Man 9 & 10 new games? Albiet in the older style, but they're new games nonetheless, not remakes.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Mega Man 9 & 10 new games? Albiet in the older style, but they're new games nonetheless, not remakes.
Good, they're not going to focus on Joel & Ellie. Can't wait to explore more of this works. It would crazy if the new character is Ish.
Except her story was already told in the prequel comics, unless they want to go even before that. Interesting choice though.
Glad to see that this will be getting funded, but right now, Hyper Light Drifter is on the front of my mind when it comes to Kickstarter projects. That game needs to exist in it's fully realized form.
Even though it was against the storu, I tried not to kill the doctors. So I just walked up to the main one to see what would happen & yeah.... Joel wasn't having it.
So arcades in Japan get updates now? Such a shame that they have died out here. I'm lucky if I catch anyone at the Tekken 5 machine at my local movie theater.
Add me: j_skee
Guys, I wouldn't get too excited about Friday's announcement being a major game. That line about the "topic of input" makes me believe that they're going to announce their biometrics tool for these Steam Machines. However, I would like to be proven wrong on that.
Are people really serious about this? I honestly didn't even give it a thought. I just saw a family who's son had friends over & because the parents were watching a movie in the living room, the son & his friends went into his room to play some games. That's literally all I saw. People still have an issue with race?…
Nets all day!
Oh man, this makes me feel even worse for how I acted at my cousin's wedding last year. I got pretty damn shitfaced & was really trying to get at one of the bridesmaids. She's from LA (wedding was in Philly) & I was pretty sure I was never going to see her again, so I really went for it. Of course, nothing happened.…
Well, after reading all the comments, I need to start reading this series. I was completely against it but I never did give it a chance. Did Marvel start doing digital subscriptions yet? I'll jump on it if that's an option.
Wow, nice find.
Yeah, just didn't notice it earlier. Normally I do it in the middle of the navigation but in this new version you have do it beforehand. This makes it a tad bit more usable for me.
Just a forewarning, even though the app is gorgeous, there's a lot of functionality that has been taken away. There are no offline maps, no way to manually change your route in navigation or other helpful tools that have helped me over the years like avoiding tolls & highways. There may be more, but those are at the…
Will never look at mushroom pizza the same way again.
Wow, great question. My very first console was the Sega Genesis & it came with Vectorman. Then the PlayStation, PS2 & flirted with the Game Boy Advance for a little bit (the one with the flip cover & backlight, called the GBA SP, I believe). Then I got the PS3 & the PSP soon after that. All in that order. And that's…
Welp, the 320GB hard drive in my PS3 cannot keep up with this plus all of the content I'm getting from PS+. Wonder what the prices are looking like for anything 500GB & up.
Any game that has the words "The Legend of Zelda" in its title. No, wait, please, stop throwing rocks at me. Ow, that hurts. I can explain. It's not my fault. I've never owned a Nintendo console. But the Wind Waker HD just might make me grab a Wii U.