Everytime I read that Amazon has a major digital sale, I always hope for some PlayStation deals, but that rarely happens.
Everytime I read that Amazon has a major digital sale, I always hope for some PlayStation deals, but that rarely happens.
Damn that was good. I never gave Dante's Inferno a chance. I should really look into it.
Oh okay, nice. Thanks for the swift response. Gotta pick one of these up eventually.
Do those $360 PS4s count as sales for Sony? It's crazy to me that it can sell for that low with no tax. Not complaining at all, mind you, just curious.
Microsoft & Square Enix wins, gamers lose. Buying exclusives rather than making your own always rubbed me the wrong way, but this has been Microsoft's strategy for years. And we allow it by buying into it.
Yes!!! Also, it's very impressive how just about everyone is looking ahead & not on their phones. It's sad when that is considered impressive.
Thank you, good sir.
How many USB ports does the Wii U have? I already plan on getting the Ethernet adapter & from how everyone is reacting to this news, it seems it'd be a good idea to pick this up as well. So that's two ports already taken up.
When will the Dishonored sequel rumors start up? That's the Bethesda game I'm most excited about.
I wonder if these sales will ever include PlayStation digital games now that Amazon sales them.
I wish they would make an action adventure game based on the original Dragon Ball cartoon rather than make DBZ brawler. Seriously, how many times do we have replay what's basically the same game over & over again?
Wait, this game has supernatural elements in it? Great, now I have to finish playing it before I find out more about it.
I haven't seen a game like this in recent memory that has been so polarizing to people. One site I go to, it's amazing. Another site I go to, don't waste your time. I for one commend Ubisoft so making such a bold game in the first place. And after playing the demo last night, I have to say that I like it a lot.…
Nice, they went with Ultimate Greenn Goblin. I kinda wish they didn't go the toy route & instead just gave me everybody like in Lego Marvel, but those figures do look very slick. Might have to finally cave to this madness.
Yes, because it's possibly my favorite game from that era. But it was also the only JRPG I ever got my hands on (before FFX came out the PS2) & I didn't even know there was this huge subgenre of games out there (I didn't even know RPGs were a thing. I just thought it was an action adventure game with leveling…
So you definitely recommend this, I assume. I have yet to play this, the first Suikoden & pretty much every other RPG for the PSone like Vagrant Story, Xenogears, any of the Final Fantasy games (save for Tactics, played that on the PSP), etc. I just don't know which one to start with. I know, I'm a horrible person,…
Been rocking with you since day 1, Shane. You're the best!
Would I be nuts if I bought Towerfall even though I don't own a PS4 yet? I mean, I'm sure I'll get one eventually. Just kind of want it for the collection.
I'm not worried about the quality or the length of the DLC. Naughty Dog has been doing such great work lately & I hope they keep it up for a very long time.
SMH when you put it like that, I should have jumped on that sale. Now I have to make the hard decision going with OLED Vita or the LCD Vita.