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    Despite being one of the most iconic superheroes in the sprawling DC Comics universe, Wonder Woman still hasn't received the same big-screen treatment as her male counterparts like Superman, Batman, Thor, and the Green Lantern.

    sounds bout right.

    yup that I did. hell it's even in the wrong conversation.....no idea what in the hell happened here.

    Namco Bandai only recently started listening to their fans. for the longest time their answer to Tales US releases was "there's not enough interest". lucky for us the fan campaigns proved them wrong and we're now getting Tales games again.

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    wasnt blaming anyone, rather just stating what seems to be common practice. seems that here instead of the government working for the people it's people working for the government. and when someone comes along to try and change it they assassinate him.

    true but corruption is everywhere, I'm sure if you really wanted to you could find a way to either bribe or blackmail them. but who knows, I may be mexican but sure as hell have no plans to go there any time soon...

    Awesomely, one person has also thrown down the $10,000 necessary for a dinner in Tokyo with creator and long-time Mega Man mentor Keiji Inafune.

    while that's true, it's not so IF you have connections and money....knowing the right people and having the money can get that corrupt government to speed up and do in a year what under normal circumstances could take 5+ years.

    Keep hearing/seeing mixed reviews on this game. Too bad it doesn't have a demo on Steam so I can try it for myself.

    21 but close enough.....and has it really been that long? sure doesnt seem like it to me. great movie though.

    Atelier, Ar Tonelico, Tales, Legend of Dragoon and Chrono Cross are some of my favorites. While I do agree with the list you made I'd add Dot Hack and pretty much anything in the Shin Megami Tensei series.

    am I the only one thinking that it kinda looks like a Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac) ripoff?