
Of course one would expect code written for a new processor to run faster on that processor than it does on an older processor. What I don’t see is why that new code should run slower than the old code on the older processor. For instance, I have a 10+ year old laptop at home that is now running Windows 10, and it is

No, just someone who has been computing for over 30 years and who has upgraded OS’s hundreds of times.

Here’s the thing about that. Windows, for example, has gotten progressively more CPU and battery efficient with each iteration. I have a 10 year old laptop which I believe had Vista on it when I bought it - it now runs Windows 10 and is snappier than it ever was, despite Windows 10 being considerably more powerful

Neither of those links disprove the claim that Apple deliberately sabotages the OS for older models. The Independent article did little to prove otherwise, and the benchmark tests have little to do with real world use. It would be possible for Apple to write code which slowed down the phone in everyday use but which

It’s hardly an “imaginary conspiracy theory.” Back at school I had a teacher who was an engineer for Unilever, and he told us that they designed the components of their washing machines to fail after a certain amount of use, even to the point of pre-stressing them. Another example: Back in the early 90's, my stepdad

How do you know they don’t? A simple rule of thumb is that, if there is a very obvious and effective way for a corporation to increase their revenue, they’re going to do it. I really don’t understand your reasoning. I’m not claiming that they’re forcing people to upgrade. I’m claiming that they are sneakily increasing

I’m not talking about ancient iPhones, I’m talking about for instance why iOS 11 would be slow, clunky and battery intensive on an iPhone 6 Plus. Take Windows for example. I have a 10 year old laptop which is running Windows 10 as well as it ran its original OS (which I think was Vista). In fact Windows 10 is even

Apple deliberately sabotages their new OS’s so that they make older phones seem slow and clapped out so that people will be encouraged to upgrade. It’s as simple as that. There is no reason why these new OS’s should require so much more CPU power - there’s nothing particularly CPU intensive about them, and the

Let’s not ignore the elephant in the room here, which is that every single major iOS update drastically worsens battery life and performance on all but the newest model of iPhone. The reason is simple - Apple deliberately sabotages its new operating systems with code which drains batteries and causes sluggish

It’s a shame that the operation of trucks, a job which carries with it an extraordinary amount of responsibility, is usually carried out by coarse minded idiots with no common sense.

I’d really like to know what makes you feel so entitled to store a huge ton of steel on the streets in a city in which space is so desperately rationed. I have a ton of shit that I can’t store in my apartment, and you know what, I pay for storage. If I tried to keep it out on the street I’d be ticketed to high heaven

Hmm. In April while cycling I was intentionally rear ended at 40-50mph by a psychopath on drugs. I would have pretty much died if I hadn’t have made like a stuntman and rolled off the hood without going under the wheels (like my bike did). In my dazed post-accident shock, the responding NYPD officers then proceeded to

I have to say, this story piqued my interest in Uber. I’ve never used it before now but today I downloaded the app and used it to get from the Upper East Side to Park Slope. Excellent service! Thanks for the tip.

Damn I wish I could have one of those, however I work with audio and need my speakers either side of the main monitor for the optimum stereo image. So my 2nd monitor is off to the right, past the speaker, and I hate having to crane my head to see it :(

If you follow the conversation above you will find that I totally demolished multiple attempts at the “scandinavian socialism” myth. Happy reading. Also, Africa is not the victim of capitalism - it is the victim of being a mess of totalitarian regimes which have no respect of private property. Please don’t embarrass

Nope, it doesn’t generate wealth. In fact it just diverts wealth from capital spending to government spending, which is a huge loss since private companies allocate capital far more efficiently than the government. The fact that government employees spend money is irrelevant. The point is that the same money would

And yet here you are, still participating in the thread just like me. Amazing isn’t it. The irony I mean.

That’s not an argument and only exposes your lack of intelligence.

Socialist ideology (i.e. central ownership of the means of production) is not working anywhere, and none of the countries that you will no doubt cite as examples are anywhere near socialist. They are capitalist countries which fund socialistic policy through the extorted proceeds of capitalism. And even that is

You have to be kidding me. Nude protests were getting old by the early 70's. 40+ years later and so-called “progressives” still think they’re pushing some kind of envelope by getting their kit off. It just seems to me that “progressive” these days means “stuck in the past.” These people are more conservative than