
That’s exactly what I suspected about all of these bullshit “happiness” surveys. There are quite clearly cultural differences in the level of honesty in people’s answers. In some cultures it is less acceptable to complain about your lot in life, and more a matter of national pride to express contentment. I’m

Oh come on, let’s just cut the crap. Nordic success and happiness is an absolute myth. You’re talking about the countries which have some of the highest rates of antidepressant use in the developed world. Countries which have seen very slow economic growth since they expanded their welfare states in the 70's.

I use Friendly instead which is a better Facebook experience and seems to waste far less battery, however it’s become so buggy and problematic over the last few months that I’m just as frustrated as I was using Facebook’s own crappy app. I think software development is taking a dive across the board. These are

No it’s the orientation. Our field of vision is naturally in landscape mode. While portrait mode admittedly looks better on a phone than it does on YouTube, the fact remains that video ALWAYS looks better in landscape.

Boy I really hope the one who got sucked out was the one who detonated the bomb. Because that would be all shades of awesome.

I found switching to a Waterpik method of flossing made me more likely to do it.

I do this as well now. I use chains.cc as a way of marking off all the little tasks that I’ve promised myself I will do a little of every day. So far I’m on week 125 of unbroken chains for all of my tasks. Sometimes I will only get 5 minutes each done of my tasks. But this is way better than gorging on something for a

It’s hard to “rig the system” in a truly free market. Any time a company (or group of companies) conspire to stiff the consumer it just leaves a gap in the market for another company to come along, offer a better deal, and clean up. Government regulation usually results in lobbyists who bribe politicians to swing the

Thanks, I’m not on Facebook though. Has your friend read Reisman’s “Capitalism”? Huge book packed to the gills with great arguments for capitalism, goes into a lot of economic detail as well as discussing the philosophical angle. I’ve also read a lot of Mises, Hayek, Hazlitt, Rand etc. Mises’ “Socialism” is also

I remember one time a bunch of us doing speed all night and while everyone else was blabbing away about nothing like blah blah blah blah fuckin’ blah, I was sat with laser-like focus playing Virtua Racing over and over and over again shaving like 0.01 second off my time with each game. I had each track down to the

Nope, by my reckoning the Federal Reserve shouldn’t exist at all and not one single cent of taxpayer’s money should have been used to rescue banks. I really don’t get where you deduce from my comment that I believe the Federal Reserve should “rescue” bankers.

You seem to have swallowed the Scandianvian Kool-Aid so wholeheartedly I fail to see what effect facts or common sense could have on you at this point. Two factors are usually cited by the left to justify their view that the Scandinavian model is superior:

1) Surveys which claim to show that Scandinavians are “happier”

The great Depression was NOT caused by free market capitalism and would NOT have happened without the intervention of the Federal Reserve, which had in the years leading up to it created an artificial boom with easy money and credit. Busts are inevitable after such state-created booms. They created a bank credit

LOL now I’ve heard everything. I guess I should just completely forget about my subjective opinion and force myself to like tattoos against my better judgment just so that hatchet-faced harpies like yourself don’t think I’m sexist. Well here’s one for ya arieliw - I’m guessing it’s your RAG WEEK.

This liberal love affair with Scandinavia has to stop. I’m sick and tired of people quoting problematic “best places to live” and “happiest population” studies which elevate Scandinavian countries onto a pedestal they simply don’t deserve to be on. Denmark, Sweden and Finland (along with Iceland) have the highest rate

If you think that public service jobs, i.e. diverting money from capital expenditure to create jobs for the sake of jobs, actually creates economic growth then you have a startling ignorance of economics. This diversion of capital, along with FDR’s other anti-business policies, actually prolonged the Depression.

Where do you think Universities get the money from? Every cent is wealth produced by capitalism. The housing bubble was not caused by unfettered capitalism, the government had a huge part in it. Some of the worst environmental damage in history has been caused by governments. Most of the worst abuse of ordinary people

If plain facts are “extreme” then OK.

All of these things could potentially be handled by the private sector, which allocates resources more efficiently and generally does everything better than the state.

Marx didn’t invent socialism. Let’s just nip that in the bud.

Next, NASA. Every dollar spent by NASA is a dollar that would otherwise be invested in private capital. If you want to claim that NASA produces a net gain in wealth then you would have to show that their ROI is more than if that same money had stayed in the