
Delaying more Kirby stuff just gives Marvel more time to use it and, ironically, make it look like DC is ripping them off, rather than Marvel just using the second- and third-tier Kirby stuff like the Eternals, who no rational person prefers to the actual New Gods.

Marvel’s already given us a major dose of Kirby’s

They never have. Donner’s Superman wasn’t even a Warner Bros. production; it was an independent movie licensed from DC and distributed by Warner Bros. The studio didn’t see any point in making a Superman movie in the ‘70s.

Lol don’t listen to this summary below. BOOK SPOILERS: Okay so in the book there’s a lot of similar things that happen. Claude goes to Texas to visit his mother, there is no brother character. In the book, Holly, Ralph, Yune, Alec, and Howard go to Texas, just like they go to Tennessee (Andy does not exist in the book)

What kills me is that at the time the special was released, I was living 10 miles from Burkittsville, had obviously never heard a word of this supposed local legend, and still bought it, because in my 14 year old mind I couldn’t fathom that the Sci Fi channel would lie to me about it. I remember after it ended wonderin

The most fun thing about the ongoing saga of James Gunn getting fired and then unfired is watching the comments on it get sleepier and sleepier.

Yeah, he has every right to be salty about the whole thing so it’s very refreshing to see him be so reflective and accept all of the blame. Because let’s be honest, that interview could have just been him saying “Fuck Mike Cernovich and the disingenuous alt-right with a Power Stone-infused dildo” and it would have

Yeah, that’s kinda how I felt. I was watching thinking “Wow...this looks to be mediocre at be...HOLYSHITMEWTO!!!! I’M IN!!”

You mean the service that pays the content creators depending on ad views and takes a loss every time someone goes to the site with an active ad blocker? It’s not shitty, it’s not even morally “eh”.

I can still remember finishing the book at about 1 AM and not being able to sleep for pretty much the rest of the night. That was when the book came out in 1983. One of the scariest-and-it-stays-with-you stories I’ve ever read.

I’m in. This was the one King book I almost stopped reading due to the grisliness.

Now the daughter is a female as well?!

Yeah, I drove through after a funeral nearby on Saturday morning, it’s insane. I live in MoCo and didn’t get a single drop of rain. . .

Yes Daniel. I am satisfied with my medical care ;_;

Wow. It’s Gremlins, 2015. That is most definitely not a bad thing.

Stormwind was sacked in the first war, so we should be seeing that happen in the film.

Dooby dooby dooo-wah dooby dooby dooo-wah