
Go ahead drink that hatorade!

Nope. I know a lot of people who are in high school though. I guess that does make sense.

The Blackberry is REALLY popular in Canada at the moment.

so true

@IceMetalPunk: Sort of the opposite for me. I resisted using Facebook, but a friend ended up making me one in 2007. Then I started getting invitations to events through Facebook last year. So I started using it and now I'm addicted. Now I'm the one creating events and meeting new people. Plus I got to run for my life

So awesome, and the music Is so fitting. Can't believe this has been on Reddit. It's been all over my facebook.

Look the trees grew up too!

@Almightywhacko: But it's reall chocolate! And that's what makes it special!

Do you know what I play!!! A game that doesn't let you look down the sights so hah!!!!

Oh didn't know that either. I though they just owned sports arenas, like Rogers Arena! Go Nucks!

I think 10 people people falling me are just random people or corporations. I never really tweet anything of importance.

The number sign/pound/hash symbol is the heart of a hast tag. It's not a hash tag if it's not present. And is therefore not clickable. And yes it's similar to tags in blog posts and YouTube video's.Twitter hash tags aren't exactly the same though.

I think I'm going to make a facebook status calling people out for that.

That's why twitlonger was invented lol! Yeah and I use twitter to follow reporters as well. Only one friend I have I actually posts information that I find useful on twitter.

Oh ans yeah WTF! Under the age 25, Brian really!? I was probably around 4 or 5 when I first saw the show! Pretty much learned my entire Grade 2 Education from that show.


Does anyone actually think North Korea has the balls to do this.