@Darth Meow 504: Geeee you got a lot of haters.
@Darth Meow 504: Geeee you got a lot of haters.
@exoren22: Haaa I've been using a hockey helmet for 5 years that has a crack in it. Then again I only use it to referee, so there's less of a chance that I get hit.
You're welcome.
Very true. But if he was really competitive at least you wouldn't get the satisfaction of ever seeing him old.
@ag_the_king: Well you could buy all the sports teams in the world, and make them wear the stupidest uniforms possible.
@MrBrownSound: Ino right!? What a fucking asshole.
@Shiruhanta: That's so sad. I probably watch a 100 YouTube videos in 1 day.
@CLKOREAMG: Not if he kills himself before he even has a chance to get old.
OMFG if I wasn't a student. I would be eating this shit up right now!!!!!
Yeah the super soakers from the 90s where so awesome!
Oh well at least your friends don't hide your phone.
@Baxter Stockman: Show us the pics or they don't exist.
@lawson1: Yeah really! If you want to see yourself naked, why don't you just go look at the real thing.
I thought it was funny.
@ortizlgnd4: Because killing people isn't evil. Amiright.
I remember singing that song all the time when I was 12.
Ahhh okay thanks.
@kasika: IMSN?
@Osagasu: How, dont you have to make a account their first.