There’s not enough facepalm in the world for how stupid this is. It’s a car, not an amusement park. Although that might be the only time those assinine doors have ever worked properly.

No, they didn’t. They sold some ZEV credits. They still lose money on every car they sell.

Indeed that must be one of the stupidest automotive features I’ve seen so far...

They finally enabled something they showed off last year...

Pretty cool, but maybe they should focus on fixing all the quality issues on the model X before they go about making more stuff like this..

We should have been friends with Russia in the 90s, then Putin may not have happened. One of the (many) reasons I wouldn’t vote for HRC is the drooling desire to start shit with Russia.

TechCrunch is a good tech website and so far has mostly been able to separate politics form technology.

Remind me how it’s important to get in line behind the president.

Thankfully, not yet. We have enough far-left losers here anyways. Stay where you all belong, in Trumpmerica.

Ah... the good old desk chuckle.

That actually makes a whole lot of sense.

Shep hasn’t posted a deal on Canadian Visas yet?

So the answer to to embody what you claim is the message of his campaign (fear,hate) and continue to keep it relevant?

Well, they had stacks and stacks of “We Love Our New President” articles written that were scheduled to auto publish while they took a nice long vacation. Now they have to work and come up with stuff to write about Trump so they’re kinda pissed I think.

So what do you propose we do? Continue to push fear on people like this article does? Very few of these....”think pieces” seem to actually say anything at all.

My understanding is that they would cut the agency and pass through the funding to states. Has the US education system provided us better education since Carter made the Dept of Ed? I don’t know, but you always here about schools getting worse, not better.

Settle down Pauly.

Pumpkin Spice Cherrios are the best Hurricane provisions.

Now that’s my kind of guy! Why? Because he eats Cheerios.