I agree on the economies of scale idea, however with our current technology snd infrastructure the majority of the energy produced by a powerplant no matter what type is lost in transmission through an increasingly aged and inefficient grid structure. Last stats I saw was that about 20% of actual energy used (ie coal

This car isnt even in the same ballgame as an S-Class or 7 Series. Oh and since the thing will fall flat on its ass once the government subsidies run out I am planning on there being a bankruptcy in the future. Why do I root for their failure, because they took our tax money and pissed it into non-viable product for

First it is ugly and clownish, it seems you are in the minority. This thing might be made, I am sure this is not a running model. Besides, when VAG decideds they have gone to far they will reel them in. It was stupid crap like this that put them into bankruptcy when VAG bought them in 1998 anyway. There might be 3-4

Ah it will still be GM and still be junk.

criminals as victims is trully the realm of the empty headed and naive.

why rehab? we dont live in a medeval village where every person is needed. These two are not important enough to waste even food on. we plenty of people who need training and help that havent commited the second most heinous crime in society. Fuckem keep them in a box till they are dead.

Rapists are among a certain set of criminals who can by inlarge NOT be rehabilitated. These two pieces of garbage ended their useful future in society when they chose to treat another human being like they did. These are the creatures we build prison cells for. Not for punishment but to isolate and erase their effect

Yeah, if you want to drive a beer can with wheels you might get 40 out of a gasser. Diesel has been the way to go for a long time. the comparable milages from gas to diesel in the same car easily trump the nickle or dime the fuel costs extra (only in USA btw). Oh and find an all wheel drive full size car that will

If you can't drive a manual you should not be driving and you are definately not a true petrol head. Its a matter of responsibility to learn how to drive one, just like parking and hooking up a trailer. I learned on a riding lawn mower.

Imma let you hang with the kids at soccer and dont forget to pickup some tampons on the way home, there is nothing good about a mini van. Douche!