Dude... There is no "progress" to speed up. It's a game CREATION platform.
Dude... There is no "progress" to speed up. It's a game CREATION platform.
The motion capture feature alone is basically begging for ban able uses.
You're thinking too small (heh small dongs).
A. This isn't a "game". It's a platform to create games.
I think you're missing the point of a community effort. Think of it like an Open Source Sandbox.
Yeah, man, I did. Power doesn't only improve resolution. Like, holy shit, are you stupid?
Gamefly'ed, beat, and returned. But thanks for trying to add your thoughts to the conversation.
Remind us all, what has MS lied about regarding X1? Please tell us, we're dying to know!!
Quit assuming all of us PS4 owners bought the console strictly for resolution. I bought it for the extra horsepower over the Xbox One
True. There is absolutely no way that Sony survives a company split like their board managed to sway off the last two years. Entertainment will absolutely be split from Devices. What is interesting to me is besides Daniel Loeb, who is going to invest in Entertainment? Amazon? Google? MS?
Yes, single is 1080p/30 now. The multi is what we're talking about, and yes, it almost never hits 60 (like at all).
Ok.... I must be the moron for not saying 1080i is 1080p.Because it very much is not.
They'll never notice is definitely not excuse for being told it was 1080p and really it was 960x1080.
It ONLY matters when you're lied to about it. Like here
10ft USB.
Generic, slow, clunky and forgettable shooter is generic, slow, clunky and forgettable... Who knew!?!!?
It's funny that people are now arguing that 960x1080 is "more or less the same" as 1080p. It's 1/2.
That's so cool you've played Titanfall already!
I will say I've given up on the DS4 wireless except for times I know it's completely charged.