Sweet, when are they going to make it actually render in native 1080p like they claimed it was?

Yes it was.

Great..... Now Titanfall reddit will be spending weeks looking around for the MegalaTitan easter egg.

Ok.... $60 for Titanfall which is entirely mutliplayer with story elements tied in, easily a game that people will play for hundreds of hours (like CoD or BF4 usage), dedicated servers that people are raving about never-before-seen low lag/pings, nearly everyone that Beta absolutely loved it ..... = unacceptable.

Oh look, someone who clearly didn't play the beta trying to downplay TF. Big Surprise.

I like how you pretend to ignore that they have said there IS a story and that it winds into the multiplayer games.

This is the best comment so far.

PS4 + BF4/inFamous/whatevergame + spare controller you'll need because the batteries run dead in 5-6 hours: $520, for still-not-but-closer-to-apples-comparison add PS Camera (which no one owns actually) $580

You mean awesome, and mysteriously sexy? Yea, I hope so.

You don't think this is already coming? It's an absolute certainty.

:) Happens

Yea, because attacking the console for a "monthly fee" * means he was obviously taking about the contrast being PC.

Amazing that pvz is a full feature paid game on X1 and Free To Play on PS4.... I mean, that must be what you're saying or "Free To Play" wouldn't have been brought up right?

Oh cool story bro!

No. NO! The internet told me over and over that Discless/DRM/DigitalOnly was the FUCKING DEVIL and how I should have a disc to go with my game!!! It's might RIGHT to be bent over a barrel when selling used games. That Microsoft was anti-consumer and to think about the poor submarine stationed troops that don't have

Oh just like last June when Sony bricked Playstation3's that had a larger than 500GB HDD for a month.

I love how no one seems to be able to look up that PS3 sold 9 million units LIFETIME IN JAPAN.

As long as it's not Xbox we're talking about.... And then it would absolute shit.

But it's PS4... Still "counts" as 1080p... apparently...

... Um.... You know that Filson Jeep above is a 6.4L HEMI right?