Reactions from E3 from Sony Fanboys.... JUST WAIT TILL GAMESCON!!!!!!

It was VERY bad. People are talking more about the camera work than the presser. It was a complete and utter failure for Sony. Hey, pay $400 to dink around with a bunch of inexclusive indie games!


Um... You mean exactly like Sony did at their own E3 press conference with AC4, WatchDogs, Kingdom of Hearts, FF XV???

Well, no that I disagree with anything particularly.... but there is nothing in the EULA that says you won't be offended.

I look forward to the idea that PHATDOG is one of the assholes raging about xbox one costing $100 and thus going over to PS4 :)

So.... NO playstation has ever launched well, there are always shortages, and you assume this one will be in stock everywhere because it has "4x the preorders" that MS has?? That's some amazing logic there! Sony is heading for a shitty launch just like always.

What the fuck are you talking about? Sony has no features to back down from. It's a PS3 with better graphics, the controller lights up and has a trackpad in it.

I love how whenever I've said the same thing, fanboys rage at me that SONY ISN'T BROKEZERS!!!!!ARRRRR!!!! When if fact, they really are. Someone will inevitably come back with a pdf "showing" how they made 500 million last year!!!! (Except the omit the 6 billion dollar loss, and they ignore the billions lost every

They already did the ride in a concrete tube thing. And Simpsons probably did too.

I'd like to point out you're either full of crap or misunderstanding wireless protocols.

Unacceptable that ForeverWhatever switch Sharksassin did not win.

I'd say its AT LEAST 20% cheaper but to me, probably more like 40% cheaper.... They lack the same cloud backend, love, kinect2, SmartGlass, exclusives in care to play, etc

Always on is the bigger deal about this.

I think that's Sony's MO actually.

.... Are you saying it's WORSE than Kotaku or better? Knowing both sites... I can't tell.

Oh wow, another guy who claims his devotion for PS4 in an article solely about xbox. Wow, you're so unique.

you are completly missing how small the optimizations and routines for SRAM would be compared to something massive like an overly complicated processor and register architecture.

Yea... I'm an EE who works developing firmware for extremely limited resource embedded systems. I'm a ninja at this shit.

Take away the practical reasons for this, like markets your game is likely to sell in, difficulties of the cell processor...