I don't think you are understanding this is a fake test. Wholly irrelevant to everything except stirring up rage and page views.
I don't think you are understanding this is a fake test. Wholly irrelevant to everything except stirring up rage and page views.
Don't cancel your PS4 order! Sony has NEVER made good on a launch, historically you would do well to sell it on ebay.
"but it's pretty much common knowledge that the ps4 is supposed to be the more powerful system"
Yea... that ESRAM that's so fucking crazy and unique.... I mean, let's forget that all future processors from both AMD and Intel will have SRAM on die exactly as X1 does now.
From a technical standpoint what they did was a waste of money and time. From a ad $ point of view it was very profitable.
Don't bring logic or facts into this.
Um.... If by "EXACT" you mean similar, yes.
No. I'm an EE so I don't have a lot of time on "professional camcorders". Guess what I do have a lot of time on?
Yea!! There is no such thing as royalties, licensing, development costs, tooling costs and amortization, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. Let alone no one should make a profit on anything - EVER!!!
Oh we're playing the anecdotes are facts game?
I like how the extreme vocal minority keeps claiming no one wants Kinect2 on Xbone... LOL.
How do none of you retards understand why in the tech demos they are monitoring for "engaged", "talking", "mouth open" and realize that's there for a reason? I suspect Kinect2 could make a very fine mic, it won't help 10 year olds from yelling at you... But the days of blarring music, game audio feedback, and mom's…
Yea..... except that Kinect will use FILTERED audio. It knows exactly where you are, knows what the audio stream from the game is to subtract out, knows when you are talking, knows when you are engaged to the screen vs shouting to your mom, knows when your mouth is open, and has an array microphone setup to further…
No. I know better :)
Insecurity. The Sony kids are relentless about X1, you don't see X1 people in Sony threads... It's either them trying to justify their purchase or they are genuinely frustrated that PS4's main new feature is "NOT MS", as where like it or not, there is nothing that competes with Xbone feature to feature.
Fuck me the Naughty Dog mafia is strong! They have 3 over-rated games, and one pretty good (but not even close to perfect) release that came lately and all over a sudden they are the fucking second coming.
The controller lights up!!#R@!!¡
Hey, look at that!
Forget graphics...
Read the article again with a between the lines interpreter on...