I don't specifically disagree with you on any specific point.

I love when people who wouldn't have the first clue of what a circular buffer is start talking about RAM specs... How the PS4 has more compute units, how the gddr5 is just so much more amazing because it has a 5 and the xbox's ram only has a 3, how ESRAM is "hard" to code for etc etc etc. things that don't mean

Confirms that the trolls will NEVER be happy. They just need something to hate on. Right now its Xbox.

Don't buy an xbox one then?

I'm looking forward to 400 Days.... But I'm not sure it'll have the same appeal now that my Dad-Simulator 5000 routine has finished :(

So your point is you'd like to see reasoned discourse... And you think of all the posts here, mine is the example use?

Sorry, you work at Taco Bell? Didn't mean to offend you.

The big joke here is that as soon as the kids tucked themselves out, Sony is going to be in trouble when people realize that they are being sold a PS3 with better graphics and a trackpad in the controller and that's all.

I love how people who have no fucking idea what ESRAM is are repeating that it's not easy to code for. Like 1/10,000th of you assholes have any idea what low level assembly ram managment even sort of lookings like.

Ok.... In your post...

Sony posted a lost of 5.5 BILLION last year alone. And losses every year for the last 5.

Anyone that says PS4 has shown better games has some serious fucking blinders on.

..... Yea.... Since you have reading comprehension issues I'll go slow...

I'm anyone would be very concerned with your option as you state you intention of not buying their product. Keep twisting that... spoon I guess.

Digital download wouldn't need a check-in if it was non-transferable. If it IS transferable, check-in needed.

"after they've figured out the full potential of the architecture"

Pre-order "ranking" without knowing allocation numbers is beyond pointless. Since no one know allocation, ranking means nothing. If it did, how would you explain that X1 is #1 on amazon's list?

And where are those pre-order numbers again? NO ONE has actual numbers. That gamed Amazon poll or their Best Selling page is useless. NO ONE outside of MS and Sony respectively actually know allocation. Let's stick to facts as much as possible.

I love how the rationality is that even though all the data is stored on the drive and there is NO technical reason I should have to put the disc in.... That I must be "lazy" for wanting it to work the way it should.

Future. The idea of physical disc based DRM (360, PS3, PS4 and only now X1) is fucking retarded. No way to loan/sell/transfer digital titles - fucking retarded.