I understand the point of view just fine. People are ALWAYS resistant to change, and MS was changing a bunch of things without explaining why. It's clearly 50% MS's marketing fault, but that doesn't mean the children are right to hate on it. MS is offering new features, Sony is not, that's all there is to it. The PS4

Don't bother, I tried to explain it. He's a troll. Clearly can not understand the difference between bills and lawsuits. Bills might I add that won't go anywhere.

You aren't the only.

So you think a congressman FILING a bill is the same thing as court challenge?

Right. We shouldn't have instant switch because Disc based DRM is SOOO much better?

A. You assholes just argued non-stop for USED GAMZE... Now the solution is just use digital download? Fuck off.

STFU retard.

Oh stuff it. Don't tell someone to "just buy digitally" after raising fucking hell that OMGZORS MS IS KILLING USED GAMEZ! Even though MS had the ONLY plan to sell used disc AND digital.

Because applause at E3 for a feature that you no longer hold over your competition for a console that is 6 months out still.... That's really something!

Yea... because when the status quo is getting up to switch discs even though all the data is stored on the harddrive.... That's DEFINITELY something we should fight for...

No, just taking a group that likes to HATE with or without hash tags and giving them a face.

Digital Regression.

Ugh. There was no hash tag movement or twitter request at work here that was not PALE in comparison to the natural HATE that children have for the "other" brand of console and the power of the hivemind.

No, getting on xbox articles and complaining non-stop about features you don't understand makes one a fanboy.

AH... So..... to start a "digital revolution" all you need is a hash tag to enlist a bunch of fanboys and trolls to rage against new an innovative features because it reminds you of poor implementations in the past..... Got it.

AH... So..... to start a "digital revolution" all you need is a hash tag to enlist a bunch of fanboys and trolls to rage against new an innovative features because it reminds you of poor implementations in the past..... Got it.

"kiddie action/platformer games"

Now playing

I'm buying both consoles, I'm an EE, and THIS gives me a raging boner:

Now playing

I can't tell if you're a troll, or you are truly that short sighted.

Like others posted, infrared camera you are not seeing. Which is actually sort of genius. Because it'll prevent shiny, or odd materials from screwing up the 3D scan. Also removes the dependance on equal lighting.