That's Green Bay
That's Green Bay
Billy Corogan should sign these guys to his wrasslin promotion- talk about a freaking bump
Billy Corogan should shign these guys to his wrasslin promotion- talk about a freaking bump
Sixth Tier of English Football? in America we call that the AFL
Iron Sheik's twitter, Sweet Caroline surviving at fenway thanks to an act of terror, the LA Kiss, Rob Ford's wife's pu$$y, and Bob Costas vs 'Murica on guns and race and whatnot... ( one more bonus, the hashtag #sticktosports)
We all all missing what happens if a Boston School (BC, Harvard,BU etc) makes a Cinderella run- color by whalberg
Well Played sir well played
Judging by the E at the end, and FSU's stellar academic reputation, I would guess the word is 'potato'
even Pong Jordan posterized a random white guy
Lets see how many minutes go by without someone uttering the T-Word
D-League will sill let sting come down from the rafters
Bert was not available for comment
The question is, was this rule written and pushed through by the Owner of the Colts?